El Justo Juez, or the Just Judge is the head of the Nago Division and the Ogun Nation known as the Los Anagos or the Ancient Orisha Spirits. Gran Olofi symbolizes that from life comes death, and from death life is reborn. From Light shall come darkness and from darkness soon shall come the light. Gran Olofi symbolizes change in order for life to move on and survive. Gran Olofi symbolizes advancement, development, growth, change, rebirth and reaching a higher form of consciousness. It is through the rays of the Sun that the great Spirits came to this earth our planet and gave it life. The rays of the sun is symbolized as the thread, rope or latter in which life force first came into our planet, and it is through the rays of the Sun which life is sustained on this planet. The cross is an extremely ancient symbol which often represented the sun, fertility, ever lasting life or victory.
During the winter solstice, The Sun stops moving toward the south. For three days, December 22nd , 23rd , and 24th , the Sun rises on the same degree.
On the morning of December 25th , the sun moves one degree to the north. It seemed like anything that was in motion all year long suddenly stops moving for three days must have died. So, the sun was dead for three days and then moves one degree to the north on December 25th . The Sun is symbolically born again. This is why Christians traditionally celebrate the birth of their solar deity on the winter solstice.
"The Spanish pronunciation for Jesus is Heh Zues meaning of Zuez."
The Sun had died during winter and is now 'passing over' to his new life in Spring. This is the origin of the modern Pass Over celebration. In the story of the Exodus, the Bible says that Yahweh inflicted ten plagues upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh would release his Hebrew slaves. The Hebrews were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a Spring lamb and then the spirit of Yahweh “passed over”. The sign was a cross or an x which is an ancient symbol of the Sun. In other words, the Sun ‘passes-over’ the equator at the same time that the Jews celebrate a “Passover Service” by partaking of the ‘bread and wine.’ The Passover is the Jewish Spring festival.
This is why Christians celebrate “The Resurrection” of their Sun god in Spring with a “Sun rise service”. The date of Easter was always determined by taking into account the same lunisolar cycles. Easter is the Christian Spring festival and was named after the goddess Eostre.
The Greek word for “son” is “huios” and the word for “sun” is “helios” which seam to come of the same origin, as the English Sun and Son.