By RushWHQ / Posted on viernes, noviembre 22, 2013 /
Erzulie Freda,
Subele que Subele, Subele que eh, Subelela sangre a Anaisa Pye.
Arise, o Arise, Arise o Arise. Arise the blood of Anaisa
Salve O Gran AnaIsa Pye, Gran Cacica, India Mulatta, bella
morena de mi devocion. Reina del cielo, abuela de la tierra y amable señora de
las Aguas Dulces.
Con humildad y reverencia me rodillo, ante tu sagrado manto y
santuario, y te ofresco este velon amarillo, ramo de flores, perfume, cigarillo
y cervesa. As que si el favor que te pido me pertenece, haclo en
Gloria sea tu Santisimo nombre, te pido en nombre de Sambia,
Padre Nuestro Todopoderoso, que intercede e alcances en mi favor eso que hoy te
pido, de tu divina piedad, y si lo que te pido no me favorese, y no sea para mi,
saves que tu divino nombre lo alavare entre todos los Luases. En nombre de Bon
Dye, Gran Solier y Fa, Amen.
Hail, O Great Anaisa Pye, Great Queen and Chieftain ,
beautiful brown skinned mulatta of my devotion. Queen in Heaven, grandmother of
the earth and lady of the sweat waters.
With humility, humbleness and reverence, I bow before your
sacred shrine and offer you this yellow candle, bouquet of flowers,
and beer. If
the favor that I have come to ask, should be for me, then let it come to
Glory be your Holy Name, I pray in the name of Sambia, Gran
Bon Dye, that you may intercede and obtain that which I ask of you this day, and
if what I ask is not in my favor, I shall still praise your divine name amongst
and above all Lwa. In the name of Bon Dye, Gran Solier and Fa,
Pye is known as the Queen of the Seven Roads, she who spins seven times, and
each turn is an avatar of the previous one. She is the Lady of the seven altar
egos and Lady of the seven split personalities, Lady of Seven Manifestations,
Queen of the Seven Crossroads. Each Lwa has avatars or paths, and behind that
path, each path has their paths, there is no exception to the rule, especially
when it comes to Metres Mambo Anaisa Pye.
the many vueltas, I "Sancista BRUJO INCA" will be talking about in this article,
I would like to start of with Anaisa Pye, pronounced Ah-Nah-Ee-Sah, Pee-Yeh.
Other variations of the spelling of her name are Anaisa Pie "Pee-Yeh", Ana
Isapie and Ana Isa Pierre.
is one of the most loved and most venerated Loa within 21 Division and Sanse,
and for good reason, she is the Mistress of Love and all good things that life
has to offer. Each tradition although they have many similarities, views her in
a different light. In both traditions she is the wife of Belie Belcan, although
in 21 Division she is often synchronized with the young Mary who stands next to
her grandmother, Santa Ana "Mama Ana Mambo", in Sanse "in many cases" it is
Juana De Arco, that is used to represent Anaisa, and there is a reason for it in
which I will go deeper as you read. But in both traditions, she is known as "la
mujer del viejo Belie Belcan" and where ever there is one, the other is surely
to follow, as these two Loases are inseparable.
many think Anaisa is just a Rada Lwa, or an African Spirit, in all her vueltas
she is not. Many vueltas of Anaisa Pye are Native Loa, a Loa de la Raiz; a root
Loa who resided in the Caribbean way before the Europeans came to the Americas,
as well as a Petro Loa, and like Legba she is a Loa that manifests her energies
in some form in every Division.
the Taino language Anaisa can be broken down to "Ana" meaning Yellow or golden
flower, "I" being that of Spirit, Ni being that of water, and Xa pronounced
Chah, a loving nickname given to daughters, meaning little one. Many Taino women
had the name Ana within their name or Iza as in the Dominican female Cacique
Anacaona and the Puerto Rican Cacique Yuiza, both of whom are seen as vueltas of
Anaisa within their respected traditions. So the name in itself although
roughly can be translated to, Little Child of the Golden River
is the Queen of love, feminine power, independence, strength, and laughter and
personifies female beauty, flirtatiousness, sexuality, sexual allure, desire,
joy, hearth, home, and family. She is often misunderstood in the caballo she
rides, and the banco she sits in as a harlot, prostitute, femme fatale or lady
of the night, and although she often manifests her energies and uses
wiles in humans in a way that we may suggest or misunderstand her as such, she
is so much more. She personifies Female strength, endurance, the strength of
family and the survival skills needed to endure in a harsh world that has often
been claimed as a man's world, and at any costs necessary she will use her gifts
and charms to get her way and get things done and survive.
out history Anaisa has manifested her ambiguous energy through her children and
in human forms through out the world, she has manifested in the Biblical, Queen
Jezebel, in Cleopatra, Mary Magdeline, Salome with her dance of the seven veils,
the Prostitute who anointed Jesus feet with oils, perfumes and tears, as well as
Marie Antonette; whom if any of these women were men would have gone down in
History as a force to be reckoned with, and not as woman who did not know their
place in a "Man's World". She is the great female Caciques known as Anacaona
and Yuiza, whom for their people the Taino, lost their lives. Men within
history have tried to destroy, belittle, degrade or erase these powerful iconic
historic females, but because of Anaisa and her close "but not the same" African
counterpart Ochun, they have prevailed in the minds of the modern world both in
male and female.
Feast Day July 26th
21 Division Anaisa Pye is always accompanied by her grandmother Matresse Mambo
Ana, who is Saint Anne, while Anaisa is the young Mary. In her Haitian vuelta
Santa Ana is Mambo Lasaille and Anaisa is Mademoiselle Anais. Anaisa Pye loves
to dance and when she mounts her horses, she asks for her beer, anise liquor or
champagne which she adds 7 drops of Colognia Pompeya, one of her favorite
perfumes in which she also anoints herself from head to toe and then back up
again with it.
drinks are always served in a champagne glass. She asks for her lit cigarette
and ask for her golden and yellow satin with lace pañuelo "fula", and loves her
jewelry, perfumes, yellow floral arrangements, pink or amber honey, fresh milk
and fragrant feminine talc powders.
Servicios are always accompanied by yellow candles, anointed with virgin olive
oil or a sweet smelling oil, or oil lanterns done in the same way. She loves
expensive yellow flowers, mirrors, make up, Spanish fans, and accessories. In
fiestas she is the life of the party, she is always cheerful, and full of
laughter, especially when it comes to courting and flirting with men. When she
dances her influences is often felt by all those around her.
Feast Day May 30th.
Puerto Rican Sanse Anaisa Pyé is synchronized with Juan De Arco who has her own
vueltas known as Anaisa la Pequeñita, Anaisa la Chiquitita and Tita or Titi
Juana Pyè " Ti Yuana Pyè or Pequeñita Juana Pier ", whom the latter is
actually viewed by some as a younger sister of Anaisa Pye.
/ Ti Yuana Pyè is believed by many to be a young Bruja "Witch" but in actuality
she is that and so much more, she is also a great Medium, and in life was
believed to be an Espiritista Mediamnidad de Mano Derecha and Presidente de
Juana de Arco who received messages from San Miguel, Santa Margarita and Santa
Caterina, in Sanse Anaisa la Chiquitita / Ti Yuana Pyè is a muertera /
Espiritista who brings visions, prophesies and premonitions.
walks in Centros Espiritistas de la Mesa Blanca Criolla and Folclorica pouring
her facultades and corrientes espirituales. Like Anaisa Pyè, Ti Yuana Pyè is
always surrounded by Belie Belcan and works with him under the Ogun, the Macole
and Fuego Division, but she is also an India who works Agua Dulce and is a great
curandera, yerbera and or a santiguadora who heals those in battle with the
tools Ogoun has given her, thus she also works closely with Ogun Balendjo. As a
Santiaguadora and Curandera she helps to heal psychic attacks and helps give
strength and endurance in psychic warfare. She helps Curanderas and
Santiguadores, in cleansing the aura of any astral larvae, etheric parasites,
removing the negative energies of psychic vampires, and cleanses the auric layer
of Empaths, she aids in cleansing the body of filth and dirt that the individual
may pick up. She often cleanses with spiritual waters, oils, perfumes and seven
drops of Pompeya Cologne, which to it is added a yellow, white or orange lily
flower with a miniature golden metal sword to represent both Belie Belcan and
Ogou Balendjo. Her colors are gold, red and blue, and while she is very
feminine, she also has a Marimacha aspect to her because she is a fighter who
does not get intimidated very easily. Often to those who serve her, her image
is placed alongside San Miguel and Santa Ana; San Miguel is always placed in the
seven are the most widely known Vueltas, and the most that manifest within
Fiestas Espirituales, Anaisa Pye is the first to say she only has seven, but
this of course is known by her servitors as "a little white lie", and is a way
for her to protect her identity and that of her children's Cuadro Espiritual
from others. Anaisa has many vueltas although 7 are the main ones and she is
one of the few Lwa who has a vuelta in almost every Division, and is one of the
few Metresa Loa who can be around the Ghuede, including her close friend, rival
and comadre, Metres Lubana "Mama Chimbi / Santa Marta La Dominadora". But no
matter what vuelta she chooses to manifest herself as, and only the true
servitors know her name, she will often proclaim. "Bonswa yo soy Anaisa Pye!,
or Las Buenas Noches Criollos, yo soy Anaisa Pye.". Anaisa often comes as the
wife or maiden, but it is not unheard of that she comes as Aracoel ancient Grand
Mother, I'naru' the ripe Woman or Nana the maiden Girl child.
Pye Basico as she is known in the Dominican Republic. Anaisa Pye in one of her
eldest of vueltas and is the one that is most widely known and venerated. She
as most of her vueltas is a woman of Indigenous blood, or a mix of Indigenous
and African or Indigenous and European. But as Anaisa, this Metresa Lwa,
pertains to the Indian Division, or the Agua Dulce Division, and is one of the
few of that Division who enjoys her liquor, especially golden beer, anisette
liquor or sweet champagne. In this aspect she is the Golden flower, the Lady of
the Sun Flower, lady of the lake and stream, who enjoys her pumpkins, honey,
Cinnamon, mimosas, lirios, girasoles and golden silks. Anaisa Pye in this
vuelta as in most works the element of water, while Belie Belcan works the
elements of air and fire and does not work water. In this vuelta Anaisa works
for him in all travajos espirituales involving Belie Belcan and
is this Anaisa and her mother Sili Freda "Metresili" who are often mistaken with
the African Orisha known as Ochun, but Anaisa does have a separate vuelta who is
more closely associated with Ochun, known as Cachita Tumbo.
Tumbo although a vuelta of Anaisa, is an ancient Taino River Spirit, known
as Coatrisque. In this aspect she is a great lover, but also a dangerous
advisory as she not only governs over the rivers, but also floods, which devours
and envelopes anything in her path, it is this vuelta that is the closest in
association to the African Orisha Ochun, as the name Cachita is used for Ochun
and both are synchronized with La Caridad del Cobre. The name Cachita is said
to come from the Taino word Cacica, meaning Female Chief.
is her Haitian Vuelta and pertains to the Petro Division. She is a powerful
Mambo who works her wangas and bilongos by the river, and speaks a mix dialect
of Haitian Kreyol and Dominican, she is both Patua and Cibao. In this aspect
she dresses in Gold and Black.
Guine Luá is a Lwa Mambo who has most of her blood in Africa. In this vuelta
Anaisa Guine Luá is very stern, always serious and very austere, unlike most of
her vueltas which are happy, flirtatious and light hearted. In this older
"Aracoel Grand mother"
mature vuelta, she dresses in amber, gold, yellow and white.
Anaisa La Fronte, is a great Nitaino warrior Loa, that pertains to the Ogun
Division. This is her least feminine aspect, and is a mighty warrior who fights
alongside Belie Belcan and uses his colors, Red, Green and Blue. In this vuelta
she is a militant warrior, and has much masculine qualities, which is so unlike
the rest of her vueltas who are more feminine. Often this vuelta is viewed as a
Lezbian, as she fights alongside male loa and completely ignores flirting or
courting with men. She fights with her Machetes or swords which is often tied
with the colors associated with Belie Belcan.
la Gaga is the vuelta that works under the Division Lebane and works closely
with Papa Legba. In this vuelta she loves to dance and twirl, and speakes in
studders, as every time she turns another vuelta or spirit of Anaisa
Apie Sauco, Ana Isapie Sauco orAnaisa
Oko sister of "Azaka" Saka de Pye, she often works close with Anaisa la Gaga,
and blesses all with the fruites of their labor, by opening the doors of better
buisness. She is the buisness woman, lady of the marketplace, hardest worker of
the vueltas, and often works with Gran Bua, Osanj, and sends Belie Belcan to
bless those who work hard and toil the earth. She is also a great yerbera,
curandera and santiguadora, who prepares sobos with her herbs, roots, perfumes
and cleanses and heals those that come to her. She is the ancient Indian Wise
woman, both female I'naru' Behique and I'naru Bohitu " Female Taino Priestess
and Shaman" who works with Gran Bua, Gran Bosque, and Osanje, and all the
elementals and Loases of the forests and knows the healing and medical
properties of every herb. She is also a great story teller, and enjoys an
Arieto party done in old Taino and Arawaque fashion. Although in this vuelta
she lives in the deep woods or swamp lands away from society, she is always
willing to heal those that seach her ancient wisdom.
this aspect she is la Nana who mourns.and suffers the atrosity done to the Taino
people. She morns the deaths of her children and husbands, the Nitaino Warriors
and Naboria to the mistreament, diseases, rape, kidnapping and enslavement
brought on to her home land. She is ofren seen manifesting in areas where many
of her people lost their lives, and she is a Muertera gathering their souls in
her motherly embrace. In this aspect she dresses in royal purple, black and
gold trims.
Anaisa La Chiquita is one of the youngest vueltas of Anaisa, and she pertains to
the Marasa. She enjoys sweets, chocolates, and enjoys everything that is
feminine. It is this vuelta who is associated with the young Mary next to Santa
Ana and she is also known as Ana Maria Chica and one of the most innocent of
Anaisa vueltas who enjoys the simplicity of flowers and sweetness of sugar cane,
but with a simple turn of her dance can become mature and sexual.
relationship of Anaisa and her parents Ogun Balendjo and Metresili "Metres Mambo
Esili Freda Daome" in this vuelta is a rocky one. She was raised by Maîtresse
Erzulie, her grandmother "Santa Ana". In this vuelta she does not get along
well with her mother Metresili "Erzulie Freda / Metres Mambo Esili Freda Daome",
as Metresili does not approve of her daughters tactics and relationship with her
husband. Often Anaisa Pye flirts with her father Ogun Balendjo who did not
raise her; she does this so that she can get what ever she wants from her
father, who spoils her. Metresili also does not approve of the relationship
Anaisa holds with her father, as she often backs him to a wall to get that which
she desires. Ogun Balendjo loves his daughter deeply, and feels a some what
remose for not raising her, that he gives her all she desires.
Dantó Pier This is the fierce niece / daughter of Ersulie Dantor, and like her
aunt / mother she is a fierce Petro Loa. She is strong, aggressive, and often
argumentative, who is viewed as spoiled, arrogant and throws tantrums in mammoth
proportions, which Dantor instilled to spite Sili Freda, "Anaisa's birth
mother". In this vuelta she comes under the Petro and Guede, and is a very
fierce aggressive Loa.
Sangriñé is a Petro vuelta of Anaisa who enjoys a party and enjoys to drink beer
and sangria, but with the more she consumes liquor the more violent and
dangerous she can be. She is of brute force, who loves to dance and laugh but
if offended she will begin to cry like her mother Metresili "Ersili Freda" and
will become defensive and often violent. In this vuelta she dresses in red,
yellow and gold.
Anaís or Anaisa la Haitiana Is the youngest daughter of Metresili, and often is
the mouthpiece of her mother as she always speaks for her, since she knows the
will and desires of her mother. Although Mademoiselle Anaís is one of the
youngest of her vueltas, in this punto she is very feminine, independent,
sensual, flirty, coquettish and statuesque. Yellow and gold sequined dresses
with glitter is her favorite clothing and she often wears heavy makeup, high
heels, lots of jewelry, fans, and mirrors, she enjoys her cigarettes and drinks
champagne with a hint of pompeya perfume. In this vuelta, Mademoiselle Anaís
refuses beer, and besides her champagne enjoys Aguardiente, Brandy, Absinthe,
Anisette, and Sambucca.
is a story that says that Anaisa was conceived in Africa, but born in Aiti
/Quisqueya. Her mother Metresili and her father Ogun Balendjo tried to raise
her, but they had their hands full as the suffering of their people in the New
World had them very occupied. At age 3 Metresili brought young Anaisa Pye to a
Catholic monastery, and left her there with a nun, who was to raise and care for
Anaisa until she reached adulthood. Unknown to Metresili the nun was actually
her mother Gran Sili who transformed herself into a white Spanish nun. Gran
Sili raised Anaisa until she was 13. At this age Anaisa wanted her freedom and
became the Loa she is today.
Gran Madre Anaisa or Anaisa La Grande is a vuelta of Gran Maîtresse Erzulie, who
is also known as Ana Mambo Pye or Ana Mandro Piel, she is the one sinchrenized
with Santa Ana. La Gran Madre Anaisa is the Indian Punto of the Rada Loa Gran
Maîtresse Erzulie, mother of Ersili Freda "Metresili" and Ersili Dantor, and as
the other is loving, wise, benevolent, a wise counselor and a sage woman who is
as wise and as immortal as time itself. Her colors in this vuelta are soft
pink, yellows and white, and is a Loa of cleanliness and order. It is she who
as a loving grandmother raised Anaisa, child of Ersili Freda
Mandro Piel, or Matresse Mambo Ana, this vuelta of Anaisa is the mother of all
the vueltas of the Metresas, and she is mature, wise, ancient, benevolent, and
has become like her daughter Metresili, Erzulie Freda.
La Rada is the Spanish name and vuelta of La Gran Madre Anaisa and Gran
Maîtresse Erzulie, mother of Erzulie Freda "Metresili" and Erzulie Dantor. She
is a highly venerated Punto of Anaisa, and is the Mother of authority. The
great mistress, priestess loa, she sits in the council of the highest of Rada
or Elefuro, is Anaisa in her ancient Arara Rada Yoruba Orisha Queen vuelta that
never mounts a human head for she is a primordial Imole "Irunmole", and is
closely associated to Dambala and a path of Obatala. In this aspect she governs
over the sweet scented oils, sweet waters and will not take perfumes but pure
fragrant essential oils, she also loves silver combs, mirrors and black dolls
dressed in Gold and White.
la Conga is the vuelta who is a powerful Palera and is closely associated to
Mama Chola Wengue, and Bombozira of Congolese, Bantu and Arawaque Origin. Like
many of her puntos or vueltas, Anaisa La Conga is not to be called on lightly
and unless one is her child and pertains to her mysteries. She is a wealthy Loa,
who is often arrogant tempermental and bitter when crossed the wrong way. She
works under the Petro Loa and is close to Legba Carifou, and loves a great Palo
Fiesta, in which she asks for an offering of a Calf and much beer. Anaisa la
Conga dresses in gold, black, amber, brown, red and yellow. Like her mother
Metresili she wears much jewelry and a ring on every finger. But don't expect
this vuelta to come weeping, she fills the area with laughter, but curses and
punishes those that do not meet her lavish demands. In this vuelta she is
similar to the Brazilian Pomba Gira of the Umbanda tradition and also resides in
the crossroads with Legba Carifou, and the Congolese Lucero Mundo, Pambu Nzila,
which is her Consort.
Guedé is the Punto of Anaisa in Guede the great comadre of Marta la Bruja, and
rival of la Baronesa, as she often flirts with el Baron del Cementerio. She is
a great muertera in this vuelta and works closely and under el Baron del
Cementerio and Guede Limbo. Her colors hear are purple, pink and gold, and is a
guedesa whose pranks and mannerism rival that of Luis Ghede.
Guedé works strong wangas with el Baron del Cementerio, and often flirts with
him so that he may teach her his mysteries and secrets. This she does by
wearing lots of perfume, wearing red and hot pink dresses, and using her fans
and honey to provoke the Baron. She is also a master in the arts of flirtimg
with the Spanish fan, and dips her fingers in her jiguera of pink honey to
entice him. In part Anaisa does so to learn his secrets as much as she does
this to aggravate her rival La Baronesa who is the Queen of the Cemetery, and
has little tolerance for Anaisa's ways. These two Metresa do not get along, and
are never in the same room together, as Anaisa always tests La Baronesa's
patience and provokes a fight, in which she then runs to el Baron, proclaiming
to be the victim of La Baronesa's wrath.
Guedé Limbo and Anaisa Guedé's relationship is that of a sibling rivalry
relationship, often that of an older brother and the intolerant younger sister.
They often disagree, fight, bicker, and are often competitive. But this
compairs little to Anaisa's relationship with the other Ghede, especially Luis
Guedé. Now while most Meteresas retreat and leave as soon as the foul acting
Ghuede "Guedé" come along. Anaisa Guedé takes it upon herself to provoke them.
She dislikes their profanity, and calls them dirty, as she pours beer, champagne
or even perfume on them, to remove the stench of rotting flesh.
Fé Grigri or Fe Gri Gri In this vuelta Anaisa is the Gypsi, similar to that of
Pomba Gira Cigana in the Umbanda Tradition. She dances in twirls like a belly
dancer or flamenco and spins in spirals and is the feminine aspect of Lucero
Mundo. She is the great Gypsi Witch who prepares potions and concoctions, and
fortells the future with Tarot, Spanish Fortune Telling Cards, Dice, Crystal
Balls, Palmistry, tea leaves and even cigars. She is the great maker of charms,
talismans and amulets, and although she is a little older than many of the
Vueltas, she is still beautiful, exotic, flirtatious and coquettish, who is
never without her Spanish Fan made out of peacock feathers or lace. In this
vuelta she dresses in Black and Red or Gold and Black.
La Pé Mandé. When William Congreve, wrote the famouse line in, The Mourning
Bride, 1697. " Heaven has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turned, Nor Hell a Fury,
like a Woman scorned." If he was not talking about this vuelta of Anaisa, he
should have been. Anaisó La Pé Mandé, is another Punto Petro of Anaisa Pye, who
is as dangerous and savage as an encaged beast. She is the India of the Amazon
Rain forest who runs free and wild as a leapard or tigress and is as wild and as
dangerous. But also morns the murder, rape, and atrocities done to her people.
When not angered Anaisó La Pé Mandé is an indomitable rebel, yet authoritative
and perfectionist, who like almost all her vueltas loves to dance Palo music.
She enjoys her yellow scarves and tiger or leopard prints.
Candelo Pye is the comadre of Candelo and Candelina, and spiritual godmother of
Candelito. (Candelito's spiritual godfather is Belie Belcan.). She is the
daughter of Ogou Chango known as Anaina or Chango Aiña. In this vuelta she
dresses in Gold, white and Red, and is a very passionate Misterio and great
lover, guardian, protector and teacher of orphaned children.
is very close to her compadre / padrino, Candelo Cedife, and although Anaisa is
a very liberated Loa, always flirtacious she is always on her best behavior when
she is near Candelo, who is Belie Belcan's closest of friends. Anaisa and
Candelo's relationship is that of a love hate relationship, although each hold a
mutual respect for one another for the sake of Belie Belcan, and of course his
piece of mind. Often Candelo scolds or chastisises Anaisa for her flirtarious
ways, but Anaisa knows all the mysteries of charming both men and spirit, and
she does the same with Candelo Cedife, who has a soft spot for her. Unlike her
love hate relationship with Mama Chimbi / Metres Lubana / Santa Marta La
Dominadora and other Metresas, Anaisa Pye adores Candelina, as she is said to be
the godmother of Candelito.
this vuelta Anaisa Candelo Pye works alongside Candelina Cedife and is the
vuelta to Chango's daughter of fire Anaina "Aiňa", who are both guardians of the
souls of women who where burned alive in the steak and fire. She embodies both
the heat of passion, fire itself, and the lakes of fire.
Simbí Pye is the Mistress of the fresh waters, she is an Undine water nymph. In
this vuelta she is a powerful witch, and river snakes and anacondas are her
messengers. But although she resides in sweet waters, she is just as
comfortable in ocean water surrounded by La Sirena, Ague Taroyo and all the
spirits and courts of the sea, who spoil her with all the lost treasures of the
sea. She dresses in golds, aqua, and pink, in honor of all the Divisions that
she is close to.
Candelina one of the few Metresas to get along with Anaisa is Mama Chimbi /
Lubana Filomina "Santa Marta la Dominadora". Their relationship is often playful
and competitive, but at times can get a bit over bearing. When it comes to
handsome new lobo or servidor, both fight for the head like.two venemous vipers,
in a battle that usually last the individuals entire life, as both are often to
arrogant and self absorbed to give in. When they are not bickering over a male,
they often work Wangas together especially those of dominating a lover. In this
vuelta the serpents she works "in acts of love or lust" is the male sperm and
the female ovum egg.
Limina, she is the one of the threshold, between life and death, and in this
vuelta she is closely associated with the Bendita Anima Solas.
de las 7 Vueltas, this is a gypsy who dances in Flamenco Duende fashion, with
her Spanish skirt of seven ruffles, and enjoys lots of jewelry, hair combs,
perfumes and consults by reading palms or looking into the palm of her right
hand "which is a mirror' as she consults others. She is unpredictable, and like
a Sybil is a prophet or oracle, you never know what mood you are gonna get as it
changes quickly. She enjoys fans, and lace Spanish combs and
Ay Belie Ay Belie dile a Anaisa Pye, que suba que yo la
quiero ver. Ay Belie, Ay Belie dile a Anaisa Pye que suba que la quiero
Yo voy pa la fiesta, yo voy pal cibao, que te pasa mi negra
que no te ha montao. Yo voy pa la fiesta, yo voy pal cibao que te pasa mi nena
que no te montao.
Ay Belie, Ay Belie, dile a Anaisa Pye que suba, que yo la
quiero ver. Ay Belie, Ay Belie dile a Anaisa Pye que suba que yo la quiero
Oyeme mi hermano que yo me quiero ir, donde esta Belie yo no
lo veo aqui. Oyeme mi hermano, que yo me quiero ir, donde esta Belie yo no lo
veo aqui.
Ay Belie, Ay Belie, dile a Anaisa Pye, que suba, que la
quiero ver.
Que suba, que suba Anaisa. Que suba, que suba. Ay
Belie. Que suba, que suba Anaisa. Que suba que suba Ay Belie Que suba que suba
Anaisa. Que suba que suba Ay Belie, que suba Anaisa Pye, que con sus siete
vueltas yo puedo vencer
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