A Tableau Espiritual or Mesa Espiritual is the altar dedicated to ones Misterios and Santos. The word Tableau is French and is defined as meaning, A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history; a tableau is a scene, for example from the Bible, or mythology, that consists of a group of people in costumes who do not speak or move. The people are sometimes on a float in a procession. A tableau is a piece of art such as a sculpture or painting that shows a Biblical or mythological scene. A Tableau is a representation of a scene by silent, posed, costumed people, A representation of some scene by means of persons grouped in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and remaining silent and motionless.
Within Espiritismo and the Sanse Religion this is the second most important altar second only to ones Mesa Blanca / Boveda. What is common knowledge for all who practice Sanse, Brujeria and Espiritismo is that the Mesa Blanca / Boveda shrine, and the Tableau Espiritual altar should be kept separated. The Mesa Blanca is for ones bloodline relatives and ancestors while the Tableau Espiritual is for ones Saints, Misterios and Commissions. The Mesa Blanca can have a statue of an ancestor's or a relatives who has passed, Madama, Gitana or Congo, or a Saint that personally belonged to them but generally the Saints should be kept on the Tableau. One can tell the difference of a Mesa Blanca to a Tableau Espiritual just by looking at them. The Mesa Blanca is often completely white with an array of glass goblets filled with water, white candles and white flowers surrounded by photos of relatives and loved ones who have passed, while the Tableau Espiritual is a collage and assemblage of diverse colored candles and saints placed on a solid colored altar cloth.
There are no set rules on how to arrange the Tableau and each person decorates it to their likeing and financial means. What is important to know is that the Tableau Espiritual is a sacred object and should be approached with respect, reverence and a clean conscious. Never approach it with frustration or anger. Women should never approach it during their menstruation period, this is also true for ones Boveda or Mesa Blanca altar.
The Tableau Espiritual houses your Cuadro Espiritual, Santos and Misterios, and like a house, one must understand that a house is only as strong as its foundation.
Traditionally a Tableau Espiritual consists of a rectangular table either inherited by another family member or a brand new table. It should never consist of an old used table that was purchased in a Flea Market or a second hand store. Any old table within the home or a family dresser or desk that is an heirloom will do, as this table will have your families energy embedded within it. To purchase a used table from a second hand store, one never knows its history or the prior owners energies that may linger within the table, this is why it is important to either use an inherited family table or a brand new one.
The table in itself can be as small or as large as you wish, and can be decorated as you wish, there are no set rules. What is important is that it is a sacred meeting place for you and your Spiritual Frame and Saints.
The table cloth for the Mesa Blanca that is always white, the table cloth to your Tableau Espiritual should be in the color or colors that represents either your Patron Saint or the Head Spiritual Guide of your Cuadro Espiritual, "Centinela.".
Also the Central and largest figure within the altar should always be that of your Patron Saint or principle guide.
The Tableau should be an altar of beauty, and can be as elaborate or as simple as one wishes. It should always be kept neat and clean.
A tableau can take a week to complete, a month and sometimes even a life time. I know of an Espiritista who completely created and constructed her Tableau beautifully within a month. I have had my Tableau over 20 years and often come across an item or a statue that I want to place on the altar or around it, thus my tableau is ever growing, as I grow, progress and learn in life, so to does my Tableau. As I change and grow in life and my views may change, this is greatly reflected on my Tableau. Some individual's space is limited and their Tableau are small, with small statues or photos of saints and a single candle and one small clear glass which is their fuente, while others who have more room dedicate entire rooms within their homes for their Tableau. These altars are magnificent to look at, but often they have the same sense of wonder and power to the ones owned by people who live in a studio and have a small altar.
Some altars are adorned with large statues, and tiers or shelves representing the Spiritual hierarchy, others like myself have just a one flat surface. And smaller shelves or tables around it. Some Tableaus are filled with Plaster and ceramic statues, others have framed pictures of Saints they purchased or printed from a scanner. Some Tableaus are adorned beautifully with Christmas lights, while others are illuminated with tea lite candles or an array of various colored 7 day candles. Some altars are covered with one altar cloth while others pin various colored paños "cloths" usually 9 to represent the various Commissions. What is important is that the Tableau is viewed by its owner as a sacred portal and meeting place for ones Saints and Misterios.
Although each individual's tableau are difrent there are some important ritual items that each tableau should have, they are as follows.
An Altar Bell
Incense Holder
Incense Burner
Clear Glass Cups or goblets for the Fuente Espirituales
Altar Cloth in the Color associated to the Patron Saint
A Maraca
Vases for Flowers
Matchbox filled with wooden matches
A clear glass offering ashtray
A clear glass bottle or vase for coin or money offerings.
Silver or Glass Candle Holders
Offering Cup
Offering Bowl or Plate
Many Puerto Rican Tableau Espirituales also house bottles of Florida Water, Holy Water, and ritual perfumes and scented oils.
The area or room where you are to place your Tableau Espiritual should be cleaned beforehand both physically and spiritually. First clean the area with household products, then clean the area spiritually. You can sprinkle Holy water or Florida Water that has been mixed with grounded camphor or basil around the area, then place a bowl with a raw white egg surrounded by ice, to help pick up any unwanted vibrations. Take a cigar or a lit charcoal with copal, frankincense and myrrh, and fumigate the area. Let the ice completely melt, and throw the water and egg away from the home. Now place the table, and sprinkle it with holy water or florida water that has been mixed with basil leaves. Then light a cigar and starting from the bottom up, fumigate the whole table. Then place the altar cloth and all items, which should be ritually purified and baptized before placing on the Tableau.
Seres que me protegen y administren, benditos sean, aquí reverente estoy para destinarle este sitio de mi casa para que me transmitan sus mensajes y también para que me permitan ofrendarlos, ustedes que conocen todos mis secretos y que tienen poder sobre mi vida. Vuelvan su vista hacia mi y ayúdame a vivir y a entender esta vida mejor. Amen.
Spirits that protect and manage my spiritual elevation, blessed are you. Here I bow in obeisance and deference, assigning and dedicating this sacred space within my home so that we may have an honorable meeting place where you can transmit your messages of blessings unto me. You that know me above all, and that are in charge of guiding my life. Place your gaze upon me and lead me in the path of knowledge, and understanding the mysteries of this life so that I may live in peace. Amen.
Espíritus benefactores, Centinela, Guías Espirituales de mi Cuadro Espiritual, Antepasados y Seres. Por favor en este momento fíjense en mi, y acepten esta ofrenda que con mucho amor, respeto, y veneracion os le brindo. En el Nombre del Padre, del Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Amen.
Benevolent and Spirits that are my benefactors. Sentinel, and Spirit Guides of my Spiritual Frame, Ancestors, and my Dead. I ask that at this moment you take notice of that which I offer you, which I humbly offer you, with much love, respect and reverence. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Te pedimos Dios Todopoderos por nuestros recordados difuntos, hermanos de nuestra fe espiritual. Voz que llenaron esta tierra con grandeza de conocimiento y la fuerza del Espiritismo, para que en tu infinita sabiduría y bondad los lleves a alcanzar la plenitud de la paz y la tranquilidad de sus almas, guiados de la mano por sus Centinela y Ángeles de la Guarda y sus luminosos Guías Espirituales. Ahora convertidos para ellos en amigos y compañeros permanentes, te pedimos muy especialmente por nuestros queridos (nombres de los difuntos) que la paz de Dios este siempre con ellos. Amen.
I humbly come in prayer and reverence Omnipotent God of Heaven, in the names of my deceased, brothers and sisters of our Spiritual Faith. You Great Spirits that filled this earth with greatness, and administered the mysteries and knowledge of Spiritism. In your infinite goodness you have reached eternal peace and may your souls receive elevation. In life you where led as I am now, by your Sentinel, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides; and now are converted into their spiritual brethren and colleagues, we pray especially for our beloved (name of deceased) and ask that you help them in elevating and finding peace that is our Lord's Greatest of Gifts, may it always be upon them. Amen.
Travajando el Altar
Working the Altar
Working the Altar
In the section of la Mesa Blanca there is a section titled Travajando los Fuentes, the following three formations can also be used to work on the Boveda or Mesa Blanca, or can be used for when an Espiritista or Brujo is, "levantando una Causa" lifting a curse or black magic. What is important to understand is that the Tableau Espiritual or the Mesa Blanca is never used for working magic of any kind. These altars are sacred and to do so would be what Puerto Ricans terms as, Ensuciando el Altar. These formations are used to petition the Spirits to help you in life and are always accompanied by prayers, songs and meditation. Although I did not place incense on the outline, one can use incense or tobacco smoke as an offering when the constructions are done. Also it is important that after the construction is done and prior to the payers or offerings one rings the altar bell to get the attention of the Spirits and ask them to come to work.
O = Goblets
C = Fuente
+ = a Cross or Crusifix
F = Flowers within Vase
V = Candle "Vela"
B = Altar Bell
O + O
F = 3, 5 or 7 white and yellow Flowers. White Candles. The large central Fuente is tied with White Ribbons around the top base.
This is the most popular formation within Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca Espiritismo and Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado, and is used when all is at peace within your life. The larger Fuente with the cross within it is surrounded by the smaller cups or goblets. The larger Fuente represents your union and connection to God, and your Centinela while the other goblets surrounding it represent the various Courts of Spirits that protect you and ones Ancestors and Dead. It gives you dead, those in purgatory water to quench their thirst and the clarity needed for Hope. These Spirits and Ancestors are working hard to protect you and keep you safe and keep negative vibrations away from you. The fuentes and goblets are cleaned with a mild dish detergent and Holy water every friday and are refilled with cool fresh water, and a drop of Holy Water or Florida Water is always added, the flowers are also replaced and are used to make a spiritual bath. Never leave flowers to wither and die upon the altar.
F = 3, 7, or 9 White and Purple Flowers. Purple and black laced ribbons are tied around the rim of the large central fuente.
This formation indicates that the Spirits are protecting you from harm and defending you from those who wish you harm. If the name of the person causing harm is known, the name of the person is written seven times horizontally and your name is written on top seven times vertically. This paper is usually placed under the larger central Fuente until the candle burns out 7 to 9 days. Then the piece of paper is usually burnt and the ashes are thrown away from the home.
O + O
F = 3, 7, or 9 Red and White Flowers. Red and black laced ribbons are tied around the rim of the large central fuente.
When the Fuente and goblets are placed in this position this signifies that one is asking the Spirits to help protect an individual from Spiritual warfare, a curse, black magic or psychic attacks. This position helps to defend and resolve the issue. This formation is usually constructed at 12 noon or 12 midnight with prayers and invocation to the Spirits or Saints for protection and in helping you come up with a resolution to the problem.
The Mesa al Ataque formation should never stay on an altar more than 9 consecutive days, usually after the ninth. The fuente and goblets are cleaned with salt dissolved in holy water, and the water within the Fuente and Goblets is thrown away from the house. The flowers are burried under a tree that had been struck by lightning of left at the gates of a cemetery with an offering of coins, liquor and smoke to El Baron del Cementerio.
The formation that always follows any formation of Mesa is the Mesa en Reposo.
If the problem persists, leave la Mesa de Reposo up for three days and then another cycle of 9 days with the Mesa al Ataque is done.
In all the formation of the Fuente and goblets one can add a splash of Holy Water and a few drops of Ague Florida or any other spiritual cologne that can be purchased in a Botanica, Bodega or the Hispanic section within a grocery store. Important: never purchase Holy Water, it should be gathered in a Church.
It is a custom in Puerto Rico when approaching your altar to make the sign of the cross over yourself, knock on the tableau with your nuckles three times and ring the altar bell. Also if your altar is in a seperate room, one must knock on the door before entering, and ask the Spirits, Saints, Misterios, Seres and Muertos to allow entrance.