miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013


Como primera medida es bueno saber que Exú, en su significado quiere decir "Mensajero". De allí se parte para decir que es mensajero del Astral, de los Orixás, el que traduce el pensamiento de los hombres a los Orixás y viceversa. Es el agente mágico por excelencia. Es el comunicador o mensajero de los Orixás a los hombres. Es el que lleva los mensajes a los Orixás y de éstos las respuestas a los hombres.
Hay una leyenda en donde dice que fue Exú el que le enseñó a lfá la adivinación, dándole el juego de cocos y los buzios. Es así que en el juego de lfá y el de Buzios, es Exú el encargado de traducir el mensaje de los Orixás al Pai de Santo que está realizando el juego de adivinación. Porque es el único que puede atravesar una dimensión para pasara otra y ver que puede acontecer en el futuro o qué sucedió en el pasado.
Para muchas personas Exú es la figura que trasmite alegría, parece un niño, juguetón, alegre, divertido e irresponsable. La descripción que hace Pierre Verger, es la que mejor lo identifica y lo muestra como es: "...Exú es el más humano de los Orixás, ni de¡ todo malo ni de¡ todo bueno
Para hablar de Exú, tenemos que hablar de Candomblé, Umbanda, religiones Afro‑brasileras, Quimbanda, pues forma parte del entorno a estas religiones. Es más, es el equilibrio necesario para que éstas puedan funcionar, desarrollarse y tener una razón de ser. Igual que en las religiones occidentales, como la cristiana, tienen al Diablo como simbolismo del mal, en estas religiones al no haber una entidad que represente tan sincréticamente al Diablo, se toma a Exú como el mal. La diferencia está que para las religiones tradicionales el Diablo es el único responsable de todo lo "malo" y negativo. Por su parte Exú es el sincretismo que más se aproxima al Diablo, por ser una Entidad juguetona, irresponsable, gustosa de crear malos entendidos, o contratiempos. Capaz de realizar el "mal" si se lo piden, conociendo la diferencia entre el "rnal y el "bien". Asimismo es gustoso de realizar el "bien", a través de curaciones, sacar trabajos de Magia Negra que pueda tener una persona, deshacer trabajos mágicos negros, cortar embrujamientos. Además, cuando a alguna persona se le saca una entidad negativa del Bajo Astral como ser un Quiumba (entidad de tan baja vibración, que aún no ha encarnado en este planeta), Exú es el encargado de hacerse cargo de esa entidad y llevarla al lugar que le corresponde del Astral, en ese caso Exú, está ejerciendo su misión de policía o vigilante del Astral
Exú es una entidad de luz, en constante vigilancia para que las almas desencarnadas evolucionen. Su graduación espiritual, es paralela a la de los ángeles, es por eso que en algunos lugares lo llamen de Ángel Negro, entre otros tantos nombres.
Como los ángeles, acompañan y ayudan a Dios, a los Santos y a los seres humanos, de igual manera, Exú acompaña, ayuda a Dios, a los Orixás, y a los hombres los protege y les presenta la posibilidad de elevarse espiritualmente, ofreciéndoles las tentaciones de lo negativo, representados en vicios, sexualidad excesiva, desviaciones diversas, robos, etc.
Exú es la entidad que regula el "karma", poniendo en el camino de los seres humanos las dificultades y las tentaciones. Pero, asimismo le da la posibilidad al ser humano de que éste las rechace y acepte el camino espiritual, en lugar de las tentaciones carnales, terrenales y materiales.
Son los vigilantes del Astral, tanto así del Bajo Astral, como también del Astral más elevado o etéreo.
Exú es quien realiza los trabajos que se les encargan a los Orixás, además de los que se les encarga a ellos mismos. A su vez, como Exú trabaja para un Orixá o realiza el trabajo de éste, ellos mismos tienen ayudantes a su cargo, formando una perfecta organización espiritual.
Están formados por legiones, en donde tienen una jerarquía universal. Cada uno tiene una misión o se encarga de un tipo de trabajó.
En primer lugar responden o están a las órdenes de Dios, el Mismo, Único y Verdadero Dios del Universo y de todas las religiones del mundo, en las que recibe diferentes nombres, pero siendo siempre una Única Esencia.
Al ser Exú el encargado del "karma" (así llaman los Hindúes a las penas o culpas que debemos pagar en cada encarnación del espíritu), poniendo dificultades o tentaciones en la vida de los seres humanos, también ellos se encargan de que esas "dificultades" sean lo más llevaderas posibles, eliminando el efecto nocivo de una dificultad, o eliminando la sobrecarga de karma que no nos corresponde, especialmente cuando esa sobrecarga de dificultades están realizadas por un trabajo de una persona, o sea una brujería o un Hechizo. Al ser Exú el Señor de los Cruceros o Encrucijadas, recorre todos los caminos del Astral y de todos los distintos planos espirituales, desde el más bajo o denso al más alto o etéreo, del pasado más remoto al futuro más lejano,
se mueve en sentido vertical y horizontal y tiene la propiedad dé cortar o deshacer todo tipo de trabajos mágicos de cualquier vibración. Desde trabajos de magia "blanca" hasta trabajos de magia "negra".
Exú puede hacer "el mal" cuando se lo piden. También hace "el bien". Conoce la diferencia del "bien‑mal". Obedece al operador o a quien le encarga los trabajos a cambio de un pago, ofrendas, o promesa de pago. En cambio los Santos y los Orixás solo hacen el Bien.
Partiendo de la premisa indiscutible que Dios es el Creador Universal de todas las cosas. Nada existente en el Mundo, el Cosmos, el espacio infinito, que no haya intervenido la Mano de Dios, el Unico Dios al cual adoramos dándole diferentes nombres, según la religión o la región, según la creencia, o los distintos cultos religiosos. Llámese como se llame el Dios es Uno Solo.
Siguiendo pues con otra premisa indiscutible que Dios es Perfecto, y que alguien perfecto no puede crear nada imperfecto, llegamos a la conclusión de que el mal no existe como estamos acostumbrados a verlo.
Como sabemos, en las religiones occidentales, el Diablo es el representante del Mal por excelencia. Todo lo malo está hecho por el Diablo o tentado por El. Pasa a ser la excusa perfecta para una acción desleal o mala. Pero si nos ponemos a pensar un poco de verdad cómo fueron los hechos, caeremos en la cuenta que el que pensó, ideó, obró, y realizó el acto malo o daño es una persona que se dejó llevar por el egoísmo, la ambición, el ansia de poder, el odio, el rencor y no el Diablo. En tal caso, podremos decir que esta persona tuvo dos alternativas al obrar: 1) Tuvo el camino del Bien, representado por 'VOS".
2) Como segunda opción, tuvo el camino del Mal, representado por el Diablo.
Ahora yo me pregunto, ¿es correcto esto? Y la respuesta, para nuestros conocimientos, es Si. Pero, el que obró mal no fue el Diablo, si no la persona que eligió entre las dos opciones.
Ustedes se preguntarán en este momento adonde quiero llegar con esta hipótesis, pues bien, a lo que quiero llegar es que el "malo" no es el Diablo, si no la persona que llega a obrar mal o a hacer un daño a alguien. El Diablo le pone en el camino la "posibilidad de obrar mal", pero no hay una sola alternativa, hay 2, también está la posibilidad del camino del Bien".
Al ser Exú vigilante del Astral, se encarga de mantener a cada espíritu o alma en el lugar que le corresponde según su purificación o elevación espiritual. Controla las encarnaciones que se realizan aquí en la Tierra. Mantiene alejados de las encarnaciones a todos aquellos espíritus que, debido a su baja evolución, no sería conveniente que participen de este plano que es la raza humana. Estos espíritus a los que comúnmente se los denomina de "quiumbas", sólo pueden encarnar en planetas o dimensiones más atrasados evolutivamente que la Tierra. Una de sus funciones en el Astral, es llevar a cada espíritu o alma de una persona cuando muere o desencarna, a las diferentes dimensiones evolutivas, vigilando que todo se mantenga en un orden equilibrado y que el Gran Plan, trazado por Dios, el Creador, se cumpla a la perfección.
Exú, según las mitologías, es un espíritu inquieto, juguetón y travieso. Se divierte provocando equívocos y situaciones penosas para las personas. Viendo cómo esas personas resuelven esas situaciones. Y según el resultado, es el grado de evolución o purificación que esas personas van acumulando. Exú pone la tentación al alcance de una persona, como ser vicios, excesos, etc. Pero la persona puede elegir entre las tentaciones de Exú o la otra faz de la moneda que es el camino correcto para lograr un ascenso espiritual que le ofrece un ángel al mismo tiempo. Con este ejemplo quiero dejar demostrado que si no estuviese Exú la presencia del ángel no tendría sentido, todos seríamos buenos y así no padeceríamos las tentaciones del "mal", para luchar con ella y poder llegar algún día, a tener tal grado de purificación como la tuvieron grandes Maestros, Santos y Orixás.
Exú es el agente que provee los medios necesarios para poder elaborar el "karma", a su vez es el que regula que ese "karma" no sea desmedido, pues, si una persona tendría que pasar toda su purificación en una sola encarnación, no se podría tolerar física y espiritualmente. Es así que El se encarga de que las "pruebas" sean moderadas.
Pero ocurre que en algún momento de nuestra vida, las pruebas se suceden unas tras otras. Las condiciones de vida no son lo que uno quisiera que fueren. Las pruebas son agobiantes, notamos que no tenemos un respiro que nos permita "ver" qué es lo que pasa a nuestro alrededor. Necesitamos que no sean tan duras o asfixiantes, y en un momento de tranquilidad y claridad nos preguntamos ¿qué hacer?, ¿cómo salir del pozo?.
Sabiendo la misión de Exú tendremos las respuestas y la manera de obrar. Exú debe ser ofrendado y pedirle que tenga misericordia para eso se ¡e hace un f rente que varía según a la distinta faceta de Exú. El frente consiste en servirle comidas y bebidas que son de su agrado y en el lugar en el que reside o mora. Por lo general recibe las ofrendas en las encrucijadas (cruce de caminos), en bosques, a orillas de los ríos, etc., según el caso.
Al hacerle una ofrenda a Exú y darle luz a través de velas, estamos pidiéndole que las pruebas no sean excesivas y se aplaquen, además de pedirle que, si esas pruebas no nos corresponden, El se haga cargo de enviárselas a la persona que le corresponda o se diluyan en el Astral. Asimismo si esas "pruebas" de desavenencia son enviadas a nosotros por una persona mal intencionada, Exú se hace cargo de deshacer. Eso se llama comúnmente "trabajos", de brujería, magia negra, magia blanca, hechicería, demanda, etc.
Exú es uno solo, a su vez El mismo se divide en varios Exú. Paralelamente, tenemos como comparación un triángulo. En la cabeza está Exú y sus vibraciones se van abriendo en forma de falanges. Para que esto quede claro la explicación teórica es la siguiente: Exú una esencia, a su vez esa misma esencia se va bifurcando dando paso a otros Exú que mantienen la misma esencia de Exú. Es como un río que tiene todo su largo desde un principio hasta que desemboca en el mar, pero en el trayecto de su curso se van abriendo varios brazos o ramas es así que el río es uno, y los brazos de ese río, siguen siendo el mismo río sin perder la esencia, sin perder las propiedades de ese río.
Por eso digo que Exú es uno, pero sus "ramificaciones" o falanges son varias llegando a millares. Esas ramificaciones de Exú reciben diferentes nombres. También tienen una "categoría" o jerarquía, en donde está Exú Rey o el Mayoral. Si hablamos sincréticamente, como sucede en el Brasil y buena parte de América Latina, en donde a Exú le asignaron el paralelo o sincretismo, es el Diablo. A partir de este punto prefiero hablar de Exú como se trata en el Candomblé más tradicional * como comúnmente se lo denomina en Nación, en ese caso me referiré * Exú Rey o Mayoral con esa denominación.
Exú Rey o el Mayoral, tiene como dije líneas más arriba, colaboradores. En este caso los tres primeros colaboradores son El mismo, es decir, 3 personas diferentes y una sola persona. Aquí debo tomar las palabras de Antonio de Alva que escribió en su libro" Exú Genio do Bem e do Mal: "Con relación, ahora, a tan injustificado, por eso que aún totalmente desconocido Diablo, diremos que, también El, o sea, también el Exú‑Rey (el Mayoral), se nos presenta bajo 3 diferentes figuraciones, personas, entidades o poderes, que son: Lucifer, BéeIzebuth y Aschtaroth." "Con el debido permiso para esta especie de plagio, diremos, en cuanto al Diablo, que "son tres personas realmente distintas, en un solo Diablo, Único y Verdadero".
Ninguna falta de respeto existe, queremos glorificar a Dios y así lo decimos..." Es así que Exú Rey como Lucifer, comanda a dos grandes y poderosos Exú que son: Exú Marabó y Exú Mangueira.
Como Béelzabuth, Exú Rey comanda a otros 2 Exú importantes como: Exú Tranca‑Ruas y Exú Tirirí.
Como Aschtaroth o Exú Rey de las 7 Encrucijadas, comanda a otros 2 poderosos Exús: Exú Veludo y Exú de los Ríos. Estos 6 Exús juntos tienen a su cargo a 2 grandes colaboradores. Estos son: Omulú y Exú Calunga. A su vez cada uno de ellos (Omulú y Exú Calunga) tiene a un número importante de colaboradores.
Por ejemplo, Omulú tiene como colaboradores o entidades de Exú a su cargo a: Exú dos Ventos, Exú Quebra‑Galho, Exú Pomba‑Gira, Exú 7 Cachoeiras, Exú das 7 Cruces, Exú Tronqueira, Exú das 7 Poeiras, Exú Gira‑Mundo, Exú das Matas, Exú das 7 Pedras, Exú dos Cemitérios, Exú Morcego, Exú das 7 Portas, Exú das Sombras o das 7 Sombras, Exú Tranca Tudo, Exú da Pedra Negra, Exú da Capa Preta, Exú Marabó.
En cuanto a Exú Calunga, tiene a su comando a dos importantes Exús que son: Exú Caveira y Exú da Meia‑Noite. Asimismo estos dos tienen cada uno de ellos un grupo de importantes Exús.
Por su parte Exú Caveira tiene a su cargo a los siguientes Exús: Exú Tatá‑Caveira, Exú Brasa, Exú Pemba, Exú Maré, Exú Carangola, Exú Arranca‑Toco, Exú Pagáo, Exú Do Cheiro.
En cuanto a Exú da Meia‑Noite tiene como colaboradores a: Exú Mirim, Exú Pimienta, Exú Malé, Exú das 7 Montanhas, Exú Ganga, Exú Karninalciá, Exú Quirombó, Exú Curador.
Otra información que le puedo aportar es el nombre cabalístico de cada uno de los Exú. Este nombre vendría a ser el nombre secreto de su invocación, o el verdadero nombre de cada uno.
Exú‑Rey o Mayoral: Diablo. Tiene los 3 nombres en los que se personifica: Lucifer, Béelzabuth, Aschtaroth . Exú Marabó: Put Satanakia
Exú Mangueira: Agalieraps
Exú Tranca‑Ruas: Tarchimache
Exú Tiriri: Fleruty
Exú Rey das 7 encrucilhadas: Aschtaroth
Exú Veludo: Sagathana
Exú dos Ríos: Nesbiros
Exú Calunga: Syrach
Exú Caveira: Sergulath
Exú da Meia‑Noite: Hael
Exú do Cheiro o Exú Cheiroso: Aglasis
Exú Curador: Meramael
Exú dos Ventos: Bechard
Exú Quebra‑Galho: Frimost
Exú Pomba‑Gira: Klepoth
Exú 7 Cachoeiras: Khil
Exú das 7 Cruces: Merifild
Exú Tronqueira: Clistheret
Exú das 7 Poeiras: Silcharde
Exú Gira‑Mundo: Segal
Exú das Matas: Hicpacth
Exú das 7 Pedras: Humost
Exú dos Cemiterios: Frucissiére
Exú Morcego: Guland
Exú das 7 Portas: Surgat
Exú das sombras o das 7 sombras: Morail
Exú Tranca Tudo: Frutimiere
Exú da Pedra Negra: Claunech
Exú da Capa Preta: Musifin
Exú Marabá: Huictogaras
Exú Tata Caveira: Próculo
Exú Brasa: Haristum
Exú Pemba: Brulefer
Exú Maré: Pentagnony
Exú Carangola: Sidragosum
Exú Arranca Toco: Minosum
Exú Pagáo: Bucons
Exú Mirim: Serguth
Exú Pimienta: Tisael
Exú Malé: Sustugriel
Exú das 7 montanhas: Eleogap
Exú Ganga: Damoston
Exú Karninaloá: Tharithimas
Exú Quirombo: Nel Biroth
Además de los nombres de los Exús arriba citados, existen otros que trabajan bajo las órdenes de los arriba mencionados, y otros nombres que son deformaciones o paralelos a éstos. No sería citar el total de los nombres de los demás Exús, porque sería imposible por la cantidad que forman las falanges.
A continuación les daré el nombre de algunos de ellos conocidos entre nosotros:
Por ejemplo, Exús: 7 Encrucilhadas Da Calunga; Capa Preta 7Encrucilhadas; Corcunda; Vira Mundo; Chama Dinero; 7 Liras; Cobra Coral; Ze Pilintra; 7 Tumbas; Carangola ó Ala Negra; Mulambó; Matanza; Destranca; Destranca Ruas; 7 Llaves.
Lucifer es la figuración de la Primera Persona de Exú‑Rey o el Mayoral. Su presentación es el de una persona fina y culta, tiene una hermosa capa negra y roja en su interior. Cuando llega, su estampa es de una persona distinguida y con arrogancia en el estar.
Colabora con los Orixás deshaciendo trabajos de Magia Negra. Cuando trabaja nunca lo hace solo, siempre está acompañado por su poderosa y numerosa falange. A Exú Marabó, es difícil de identificar, porque, cuando se presenta se hace pasar por su compañero Exú Mangueira. Ambos hablan y escriben el idioma francés a la perfección, gustan de los finos licores y exquisitos vinos como así también de los mejores cigarros de hojas o charutos.
También igual que Exú Lucifer su porte y prestancia es la de un fino y distinguido caballero. Exú Marabó es difícil que responda a consultas, pero igual responde a los pedidos que se le realizan. No obedece órdenes de nadie. Es el encargado de la "vigilancia", recorriendo el plano físico fiscalizando y dando las órdenes necesarias para que todo se mantenga en un perfecto orden. Cuando llega a un terreiro Exú Mangueira, es fácil de identificar, en el ambiente se siente un fuerte y persistente olor a azufre mezclado con lavanda, para algunas personas ese olor es por demás desagradable. Igual que su compañero Exú Marabó es de paladar muy fino, con la diferencia que Este gusta de cerveza blanca. Las Funciones son idénticas a las de Exú Marabó Béelzabuth es la segunda personificación de Exú‑Rey o el Mayoral. Es colaborador de los Orixás, junto a su numerosa falange para deshacer trabajos de Magia Negra.
Exú Tranca‑Ruas también es conocido como Exú Elió. Trabaja en las 7 Bandas o 7 Líneas. Tiene el dominio de los caminos y de las calles, en ese lugar realiza los trabajos que se le asignan. Junto a Exú Tranca Ruas se encuentra Exú Tirirí, su compañero, igual que su compañero se lo encuentra en el mismo lugar, comandando un fuerte y poderoso ejército de Exús. Se encarga de los trabajos que son despachados en las encrucijadas, en los ríos, los campos, como así también en los cementerios. Sin trabajar bajo las órdenes de Omulú.'Cuando se presenta en un terreiro lo hace con la forma de un hombre negro, feo y en algunos casos con la piel comida
Exú Rey das 7 Encrucilhadas es la tercera personificación o figuración de Exú‑Rey. Este tiene bajo su mando a dos poderosos Exú, Veludo y Dos Ríos.
En el Reino o Pueblo de Exú una de las más importantes presencias es Exú Veludo, a El se lo conoce mucho y es muchas veces invocado. Se presenta bajo la forma de un caballero rico y bellamente vestido, se lo reconoce por los pies de cabra que posee. Ayudado por su compañero, Exú Dos Ríos, protege y castiga a los enemigos de todos aquellos que lo quieren y les hacen ofrendas.
Exú Dos Ríos, es el encargado de todos aquellos lugares cercanos a los ríos o próximos a él. Cuando se realiza un despacho de un trabajo, se debe entregar a El ese despacho, antes se le pide licencia para efectuar el despacho. Sucede lo mismo con los trabajos que se realizan en el río o en su cercanía, antes hay que pedirle permiso a Exú Dos Ríos. Este Exú es confundido con el Caboclo de los Ríos, la diferencia es que Exú Dos Ríos usa vestimenta de plumas negras y no usa penacho u otro aplique en la cabeza.

Amarres fuertes eternos para el amor con Exu Marabo, uniones definitivas por difícil que sea, imposible que parezca, o lejos que se encuentre, por traición, infidelidad, o falta de amor

Tus deseos son ÓRDENES

Atraer y amarrar al ser amado que no corresponde tu amor
Amarres del mismo sexo
Amarres para amores imposibles
Desato y destruyo amarres
Venganza , Destrucción




Everyone is born with a Centinela, and within Puerto Rican Sanse its name is revealed to an individual through a misa espiritual known as an Investigation de Cuadro.  Similar concepts of the Centinela can be found in Dominican 21 Division (often spelled Centinela or Sentinela) as well as Haitian Vodou, Gros Bon Ange and Ti Bon Ange.  Everything that is alive has a soul, and every thing that has a soul has Ache, and everything that has Ache has a Centinela, even Buen Dios has a Centinela, known as Simamayo Pie, Buen Centinela de Dios or Centinela de Bondye. which in Sanse is synchrenized with el Espiritu Santo or Saint Sebastian.  Under Buen Centinela de Dios resides Centinela Sangriñé, who has a Guede vuelta known as Guedé Sanguiñao or Ghede Sanguiñé and is synchronized with San Cipriano.  The Loa themselves have Centinelas, but these names "within Sanse" are not often revealed to an individual.  A well known Centinela who is also a Ghede is Feribunda who is the overseer of the Cemetery; he works closely with Ghede Cemitiel who is a Ghede that is viewed as the actual grounds of the Graveyards and Cemeteries, another vuelta for Feribunda is Guede Senche.  A darker fierce vuelta of Feribunda that is never worked in Sance is Baron Kriminel, who is a Ghuede with a mean temper.  Feribunda himself has four Centinela that guard the four corners of the Cemetery and work under El Baron del Cementerio, the Petro Division and the Ghuede.  Feribunda is always synchronized with a male Anima Sola.   Belie Belcan's  Centinela is known as Centinela Tribunal, some of the Ogun Loa work with Sentinela Tin Jan or Centinela Indio Juan, and the Gran Bwa have Sentinela Sabalo, other known Centinelas are Criminel, Sabalo, Zabalo, Kriminelo, Kriminel, Criminal, Tribunal, and the list goes on and on.  Although all that exists has a Centinela, the Centinela that are mostly widely known are those of the puntos of the Petro / Division Prieto / Negra.

While within Dominican, 21 Division Vudu "Vodoun" a Papa Boko and Mama Mambo can work with the Centinela of the 21 Division, in Sanse we do not.  We work with our own Centinela and respect those Centinela that work under the puntos of the Siete Jefes or the Siete Divisiones of our cuadro, even though most Sancistas are not revealed these Centinela's names.
The Centinela in themselves as are all Divisions, are a very complex group of Spirits.  In Sanse everyone is born with a set group of Misterio Spirits, and the Centinela make up one of these groups, and as one grows, more Misterios come into play.  This is the same with the Cuadro.
The Centinela are viewed differently in Dominican 21 Division as they would be viewed inPuerto Rican Sanse.  Sanse being a mixture of Vodou and Espiritismo Criollo work heavily on the Emisarios of the Misterios.  These Emisarios are the Messengers of the Loa and are the ones we generally work with and are the ones we call Los Sanse.  Many confuse Los Sanse with Los Antepasados "the blood ancestors" Los Muertos or Seres of the Comisiones or Cuadro Espiritual.  "Yes los Sanses are Muertos and Seres, and they are Ancestors but not necessarily of the blood line and yes in Sanse they have their own Comision but of a different level.  (A godfather's, godfather is your godfather, thus in death your ancestor.)  In life they where servitors of the Loa, and their wisdom and knowledge should be past on to you. 

Now to make it a bit more complex the Centinela are Muertos and are a part of a Comision which in the Sanse tradition is a Division but not necessarily a Nation, (Nation as in an African Nation such as Fon, Ewe, Dahomey, Nago, Arara, Ibo Lele, Mayonbe, Wangol, Kongo, Makaya, Ghuede, Bantu, Togo,

Ogou, Angola, Ketu, est. ) and not all Centinela are Sanse as not all of them necessarily served a Loa in life, "many did, but not all".  Just as many Comisiones did not honor the Loa such as Los Arabes, Los Hindu, los Orientes and so forth.  Just as some Comisiones did such as las Madamas, los Congos and so forth.  

Unlike spirits from Comisiones which demonstrate many qualities of how they where in life, the Centinela as honored in Sanse do not come down as an Espiritu de materia.  They often manifest as spirits of radiant bright light, who seldom consume or partake of material offerings.  The Centinela are a bit above ones Muertos, but lower than the Nacion Ghuede but still of an equal vibration level, 

"The Centinela and the Ghuede, the Yin and Yang", the natural dualities, female & male, dark & light, low & high, cold & hot, water & fire.", which makes them easily excesable to a Sancista.

The Centinela often are confused with the Sanse, which the latter "the Sanse" often come demonstrating traits and qualities of the Loa they represent, while ones Centinela does not.
A mane difference between Puerto Rican Sanse and Dominican Vodou, is that Puerto Rican Sanse also works with the Cuadro Espiritual, while Dominican 21 Division traditionally does not.  Thus in Sanse, ones Centinela becomes a messenger and guardian of one's Cuadro Espiritual as a whole, while in Dominican 21 Divisiones, that do not work with the Cuadro Espirituales,  the Centinela works for, and under the Loa, which in Sanse would be the task of of a Spirit from our Cuadro known as an Emisario that we call los Sanse. 

Luke 23:42 – “Then he "Dismas the Good Thief" said, ‘Yeshua (Jesus), remember me when you come into your kingdom.’. Yeshua replied to him, ‘Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’”

In life Centinela where often thieves and sinners, who at the end of their life repented.  Buen Dios being a forgiving God, forgives their humanly sins and trespasses.  But unlike the Anima Sola, who must cleanse their humanly sins in Pergatory, the Centinelas did have the chance to repent at the last moment, and in order for these spirits to find elevation and forgiveness, must complete a spiritual mission, which is that of leading us into the right paths of spiritual evolution. Whether they complete the mission or not, at the end of our life, they often find elevation, into a higher form of being, or are assigned another mission that they must complete. They are our personal messengers, gate keepers, guardians, and work as tribunals, in the sense that they have the authority to speak for us in the celestial courts.  The Centinela are also our guardians against psychic and occult attacks, and can only protect us if we are willing enough to listen to their voices of reason and experience.  Who best to teach you not to follow the rocky path or be misguided by earthly desires and wants, then the very spirit who in life had the same experiences.

People have asked me, do people with mental disabilities, drug or alcohol addictions, murderers psychotic disorders and tendencies have a Centinela.  My answer is yes, although these individuals Cuadro Espiritual is weak, and often many Spirits do abandon the individual, for an individual who may need them more, or serve them better, leaving the individual accessible to lower and higher demons, it is these very people who need the help and support of their Centinela, Guardian Saint and Angel "Loa" the most, and it is those very spirits who never give up on the person, until their very last breath is exhaled.

Fete Ghede in Haiti TodayPeristyle Mural DetailNovember 2, All Soul's Day, commonly called Fet Gede (pronounced GAY-day), is a national holiday in Haiti. Catholics attend mass in the morning and then go to the cemetery, where they pray at family grave sites and make repairs to family tombs. The majority of Haitian Catholics are also Vodouisants, and vice versa, so on the way to the cemetery many people change clothes from the white they wore to church, to the purple and black of the lwa Gede, the spirits of the departed ancestors.

By midmorning the streets of Port-au-Prince are thronged with thousands of people. Dozens are already possessed by a Ghede, and their nasal voices, obscene jokes, and gyrating banda dance make them unmistakable. Grand Cemetiere, the main cemetery of Port-au-Prince, is jammed with people. Crowds press close around the twelve foot high ceremonial cross of Baron and the nearby smaller cross of Maman Brigitte. Many bring offerings of black coffee and rum, which they pour at the foot of the crosses. They also bring food offerings of bread, grilled peanuts, roast corn, and sometimes peppery cooked food. Occasionally a person, usually a Houngan or Mambo, will sacrifice a chicken or a pair of pigeons or doves. The offering is quickly appropriated by the many beggars who throng the cemetery. Some people sell candles, beeswax tapers, and religious images of saints considered to represent Baron, Maman Brigitte, and the Ghedes.

Houngan Wolmer, initiate of Mambo Racine Sans Bout and member of the Roots Without End Society, dances the banda to induce possession by Baron.Imagine a Mambo in voluminous skirts of black and lavender, a flounced bodice of the same colors, several silk kerchiefs wrapped around her head, and strings of beads at her neck; as she approaches the cross of Maman Brigitte with her hounsis (those who have received the first grade of initiation.) She carries sticky beeswax tapers which she affixes to each arm of the cross and to it's center. Then she produces a black hen from her straw knapsack, and passes it downward over the bodies of her hounsis, removing all evil influences. After prayer, she kills the chicken quickly just as she would for an ordinary meal. The blood spurts on the cross, and she donates the chicken to a hungry beggar woman awaiting alms. The Mambo becomes possessed by Maman Brigitte, and prophesies the events of the coming year. One of the hounsis who has behaved badly is disciplined with a few gentle taps, and one who is ill is given the recipe for an herbal tonic. Then Maman Brigitte drenches her cross with rum and sets it alight, singing and dancing thebanda with great virtuosity to the joy of all present. A few moments later she leaves the head of her Mambo, who, returned to consciousness, composes herself and leaves the cemetery with the utmost dignity.

Across town at the cemetery of Drouillard, wherein are buried the poorest of the poor, the people of the Cite Soleil neighborhood, the worship is yet more intense. Bands of Vodouisants from various peristyles march singing behind teams of drummers, with more and more people undergoing possession as they near the cemetery. Those who remain in their normal consciousness visit the graves of friends and relatives, speaking to them as though they can hear under the ground.

"Look, Papa," says one woman, "I've brought food for you."

Skull graphic by Mambo Racine Sans Bout"Older brother," weeps a young man, "the Army killed you, we found your body in pieces, but all of your pieces are there, brother, are they not? You will not play the drums for us again, dear brother.... Mother misses you, she wanted to come but she is ill.... see the rum I have brought for you!"

The Ghede lwa, epitomizing defiance, sweep through the crowd shouting obscene jokes and singing obscene songs at the top of their lungs. Here is a song popular among the Ghedes last year in the Drouillard cemetery:

(Haitian Creole)
Zozo, tone! A la yon bagay ingra, (repeat)
Koko malad kouche, zozo pa bouyi te ba l bwe,
Koko malad kouche, zozo pa vini we l.

(English - with caution and apologies to those of delicate sensibilites)
Penis, by thunder! What an ungrateful thing, (repeat)
Vagina is sick lying down, penis does not boil tea for her,
Vagina is sick lying down, penis does not come to see her.

(The words zozo and koko are actually very naughty terms for the parts
involved, not at all like "penis" and "vagina".)

Baron Vever digitally rendered by Mambo Racine Sans BoutLast year I, an American Mambo, left a peristyle with a Houngan and our congregation. The Houngan had a very powerful Baron in his head called Secretaire de la Croix, but Secretaire was refusing to possess the Houngan, because the Houngan had taken some of the money given him for Fet Gede and used it for his own purposes. The Houngan was very humiliated, and decided to go directly to the cemetery to ask for forgiveness.

I had the use of a pickup truck, so we filled it up with members of our peristyle and drove through the choked streets to the cemetery. We got stuck in traffic, and as we sat and sat, Baron Secretaire de la Croix became impatient and took my head instead!

As far as I am told, there was a car in the oncoming lane, also stuck. Secretaire leaned out the driver's window of the stopped pickup and began to talk with the occupants of the car, who were very surprised to see a Baron in the head of a foreign Mambo! Two very wealthy ladies were seated in the back of the car, and Baron paid them special honor.

"Good evening, ladies," said Baron.

"Good evening, Baron, Papa," they giggled.

"And how are your clitorises today?", inquired Baron very seriously. "If your clitorises are not well, you may tell me, and I will tell those two big old penises in the front of the car to go to work!"

The women, who under any other circumstances would have been furious, roared with laughter, as did the two men in the front of the car. The older woman leaned out the window and replied to Baron.

"Our clitorises are very well, Baron Papa. Thank you very much!"

And in a few moments the traffic jam broke up and Baron released me from possession, leaving me to drive the pickup truck to the cemetery and grovel with embarassment as our peristyle members, laughing hysterically, related the incident to me!

In the evening, each peristyle holds a dance in honor of Baron, Maman Brigitte, and the Ghedes. The people who come must all be fed, and the lwa who appear are also feasted from kettles of food specially prepared for them. Dancing goes on long into the night, even until daybreak. The artistry of the lwa is incomparable, and even non-Vodouisants often come to watch. Then the exhausted worshippers return home, to await the coming of Fete Ghede the following year.
Small Ghede shrine in Port-au-Prince, photographed and digitized by Mambo Racine Sans Bout.

Fiesta de Ishtar, Gran Diosa

22 de abril
¿Quién es Ishtar? es la gran diosa de Babilónia, "la Estrella", una derivación de Inanna.
Calumniada muchas veces en la Biblia como la prostituta de Babilonia, era una divinidad sexual cuya fecundidad era la vida de la gente. En la Biblia aparece como Astarté y Aserá. Era la divinidad principal antes de que aparecieran los dioses patriarcales y representaba la vida y la luz.
Se plagiaron mucho de sus himnos y se incluyeron enla Biblia para alabar al nuevo dios masculino.
Ishtar era el alma de su pueblo, la esencia de su poder para vivir y amar.
(Cada día es una fiesta, Z.E. Budapest)



 of Sanse de las 7 Divisiones

del Panteón Sancista de Puerto Rico

Sancista Brujo Inca Don Lino


Feast Days of the Saints are very important within the Caribbean, Latin America and the Hispanic cultures, as most holidays revolve around the birth, life or death of a Biblical and folk Saint.  In Puerto Rico these Feast Days are known and celebrated as Fiestas Patronales, in which the inhabitants of each Pueblo gathers together in la Plaza of the town square to celebrate the Patron Saints of that particular Pueblo.  Food, music, and carnival rides are every where as local Puerto Rican artisans as well as vendors from Haiti, the Dominican Republic and as far as Venezuela and Colombia, come to sell their goods.  The Fiesta Patronal is always started and.ended with a Mass, the starting Mass is known as La Misa de Gallo and is always done on the eve before las Fiestas "Midnight Mass" at the local church which is often at the heart of the Pueblo.  In many town such as Loiza Aldea and Ponce, where a large Puerto Rican community of African descent reside, a procession is held where a large statue of the local Virgin or Saint is paraded through out the town as people sing and play music in her or his honor.   

The following is a list of Fiestas Patronales en Puerto Rico, Date, town or towns and the name of the Saint of that particular area.
  • January 6 - Aguas Buenas - Los Santos - Reyes Magos
  • January 9 - Corozal - La Sagrada Familia
  • January 17 - Añasco San Antonio Abad
  • January 20 - San Sebastian - San Sebastian
  • February 2 - Lajas / Manati / Mayaguez - Virgen de la Candelaria
  • February 3 - Caomo - San Blas
  • March 3 - Patillas - San Benito
  • March 17 - Loiza - San Patricio
  • March 19 - Ciales / Gurabo / Lares / Luquillo / Pañelas - San José
  • March 31 - Patillas - San Benito
  • April 29 - Guaynabo - San Pedro Mártir
  • May 1 - Arecibo - Apostol San Felipe
  • May 3 Bayamón / Trujillo Alto  - La Santa Cruz
  • May 15 - Maunado / Sabana Grande - San Isidro Labrador
  • May 30 - Carolina / Toa Alta - San Fernando
  • June 13 - Barranquitas / Ceiba / Dorado / Guayama / Isabela -  San Antonio Padua
  • June 24 - San Juan / Maricao / Orocovis -  San Juan el Bautista
  • June 30 - Toa Baja - San Pedro Apóstol
  • July 16 - Arroyo / Barceloneta / Cidra / Cataño / Culebra / Hatillo / Morovis / Río Grande / Villalba - Virgen del Carmen
  • July 25 - Loiza Aldea / Aibonito / Fajardo / Guánica / Santa Isabel - Santiago Apóstol
  • July 31 - San Germán - San Germán
  • August 6 - Comerío -El Santo Cristo de la Salud
  • August 10 - San Lorenzo - San Lorenzo
  • August 15 - Cayey - Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
  • August 21 - Adjuntas - San Joaquín y Santa Ana
  • August 30 - Rincón - Santa Rosa De Lima
  • August 31 - Juana Díaz - San Ramón Nonato
  • September 8 - Agua Buenas / Jayuya / Moca / Salinas /Hormigueros - Nuestra Señora de Monserrate
  • September 29 - Cabo Rojo / Utuado / Naranjito - San Miguel Arcángel
  • October 2 - Yabucoa - Los Angeles Custodios
  • October 4 - Aguada -San Francisco de Asis
  • October 4 - Naguabo / Vega Baja - Nuestra Señora del Rosario
  • October 7 - Naguabo /  Vega Baja /Yauco - Nuestra. Señora. del Rosario
  • October 12 -  Canóvanas / Río Piedras - Virgen del Pilar
  • October 24 - Quebradillas - San Rafael Arcángel
  • November 4 -Aguadilla - San Carlos Barromero
  • December 8 - Guayanilla / Humacao / Las Marías /Juncos / Viques / Vega Alta - La Inmaculada Concepción
  • December 12 - Ponce - Nuestra Señora de la Guadalupe

    In Dominican 21 Division and Puerto Rican Sanse, these dates are especially good for a Fiesta Espirituales, or Spiritual Feast, Veladas and Misas for the Loa.  A Fiesta Espiritual is always planned months ahead, and some can be extravogant events while others are more private humble affairs, they can be all night vigils or parties with food music and dancing or times of quiet prayer, offerings and meditation.  The bigger Fiestas Espirituales are big parties, but unlike any other party, los Lwa, los Orisha, los Muertos, Las Comisiones and the Sanse come down and participate in the festivities.  Some Fiestas Espirituales have live musicians while others play Spiritual music, usually by Celina y Reutilio,  Celia Cruz, Los Nanis or other music which is aimed at the Cuban Santeria or Dominican 21 Division, while others play ritual Cuban Bata music or Puerto Rican Le Lo Lai, Bomba and Plena.  

    Puerto Rico being the melting pot of the Carribean, one must expect that Cuban Orisha, Haitian and Dominican Lwa, Taino Zemi and historical Puerto Rican folk saints and heroes would sooner or later interact in a small island of such great deversity. 

    While most Carribean traditions work with the Lwa or Orisha and most of the music is traditionally aimed at inviting each Misterio within a sequence of ritual songs, which follows a ritual order, this is not the same within Sanse. 

    In Sanse ( Sance ) Sancistas work with los Muertos, and not so much with  Mistsrios de Alta Luz.  These Muertos are known as Seres, Emisarios Embajadores, Comisiones, and Los Sance.  These Spirits are generally messengers of the Misterios or other divinities, who come down not just to dance, but to consult, lift causas, cleanse and purify.  Some Sancistas are able to manifest one of his / her Jefe ( Lwa ) from their Spiritual frame and it is never quite certain when a Misterio or a Sance of that Misterio will come down.  Traditionally with most other traditions such as Santeria, if a toque for Chango is being played, the music calls on that particular Spirit and that particular Misterio will manifest.  This is the same for Haitian Vodou, but not so true with Dominican Vudu or Puerto Rican Sanse.  The Spirits have their own free will, their own minds, so if a song for Chango or Candelo is being played a Sance of Anaisa can come through or a Madama, an Arabe, a Pirata or even a Taino Spirit if they so wish to manifest.  Also if a Haitian Mambo gets mounted by Erzulie or a Cuban Santero becomes possesed by Ogun, in Puerto Rican Sanse and Espiritismo Criollo or de la Mesa Blanca, a Gitana, Arabe, Indio or a Sanse de Misterio can come down at the same time.  Often the Fiesta runs smothly as Lwa, Orisha, Comisionesband Muerto dance, interact and consult together naturally and often compliment each other as if these things where normal.      

    A Sancista generally works more with the dead than with the Misterios.  Sanse in itself is a combination of Hatian and Dominican Vudu with Puerto Rican Espiritismo Criollo (Folk Spiritism ) and the proper name for Sanse or Sance is either one of three.  " Sanse de las 7 Divisiones del Panteón Sancista, or Sanse de La 21 Divisiones del Panteon Sancista. Or La 21 Divisiones del Panteon Sancista de los Siete Jefes.  (The difference between the first two, Sance de las Siete Divisiones del Panteon Sancista, and Sanse de La 21 Divisiones del Panteon Sancista, is that the Sancista works los Sanse of los Siete Jefes and is an Espiritista, while Sanse de la 21 Divisiones means the Sancista has also undergone Dominican initiations ceremonies is a Sancista, Espiritista and an initiate of Dominican Vudu, while the latter means the Individual has a godparent in both Sanse and 21 Divisiones and works them both.). To answer your question I have never under taken any Dominican Initiations there for I am a Sancista and Espiritista of Sanse de las 7 Divisiones del Panteón Sancista as was my Padrino, Tia, and all in my Spiritual family, we have never gone to the Dominican Republic and our ceremonies have been done in Puerto Rico or the mainland of the United States, although I work closely with many Dominicans who are of la 21 Division.
    A Fiesta Espiritual always starts of with an Hora Santa or a Velada, in which prayers are recited to protect all the Mediums and all who have come to participate in the Fiestas.  After the Hora Santa, the music begins, cigars are lit, incense and candles are lit and the music, dancing and fiesta commence as Lwa, Orisha, Emisarios, Comisiones, Sance and Muerto are invited to come participate with the congregation  of the Centro, Templo, or Sociedad.

    Although followers of Puerto Rican Espiritismo Criollo and Mesa Blanca call the saints by their Catholic names, and recently Espiritismo on the island has been blended with aspects of Brujeria, Curanderismo, Santiguarismo, and Yerberia.  Many Puerto Ricans call the Santos by their Catholic names, while those who follow Sanse, Santerismo or 21 Division use the respected names of the Loases, and of course often interchangebly.  Many Puerto Ricans will agree that the Santo is not, nor never was the Misterio.  What the Santo is to the Misterio and visa versa is a Representante or Representative of the other, a vuelta, a camino an aspect or a road, "of the same" but not one in the same.  They are of the same, as is God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, but not the same.  What follows bellow is a list of important dates to those who work 21 Division, Vodou and Sanse.  It is impossible for one to celebrate each day and traditionally Sancistas celebrates ones Patron Saint, ones Guardian Angel and ones Misterios that make up ones Siete 7 Jefes en Sanse or attends Fiestas or Hora Santas for those who are under the guardian ship of a particular Misterio or Santo.  A fiesta espiritual can be an elaborate affair starting with a vigil then all night dancing, or a private quiet ceremony with a few trusted loved ones, or even an Hora Santa, where the individual sits quietly before the Tableau, Mesa Blanca or Santuario and prays and meditates alone, offering servicios. 


    Bon Dye / Buen Dio el Todopoderoso 
     The creator of all there is, all there was, and all there ever will be.  The Omnipotent one, Omnipresent, and Omniscient, the Sorce of all creation.  He/she is that Mistery that can never be comprehended by the Lwa and all creation alike.  He/she name can not be muttered by humans, thus his/her name is a mistery to all.  Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every night and every year belongs to Papa Buen Dios.  Although the masculine Papa Dios is always used, he/she is not limited to such earthly limitations. 

    Luis Guedesito / Gendesito 
     Niño de Atocha - January 1:  Guedesito as he is often called is part of the Guede Division and Niño Division.  The Guede are the sacred dead and messengers of the dead and Guedesito is a messenger and a child like trickster spirit that enjoys playing pranks.

    Inosan Balendyo / Inosan 
     Niño de Atocha - January 1:  Inosan Balendjo is the child of Ofelia Balendjo, the sister of Ogun Balendjo.

    Gran Simbi Glo / Gran Rey Molinu / Rey del Agua
     Jesus Getting Baptized - January 6:  Ancient father of the Simbi Division of Spirits, Padrino of Mama Chimba and great Magician Loa who is the bearer of souls, both are of the Rada Division and their offsprings are ancient spirits whose Division is named after them.  "Division Simbi" 

    Candelo Gayo Neh 
    San Baltazar - January 8:  Gayo Neh is the Sacred Rooster, the Messenger of the Candelo Division, that speaks when danger or betrayal is near.  He is symbolized with red and black feathers and is a messenger of both Candelo and the Ogou Nation.  He is of a fiery personality and represents brut strength and communication.

    Centinela / Tribuñal /,Simamayo Pye 
     Saint Sebastián - January 20:  In Sanse and 21 Division there is a division of Spirits  known as the Centinela, within Sanse each human has one, they guard humans and protect them from psychic attack and spiritual warefare, they are like Spiritual Armour.  Simamayo Pie belongs to the Nation of the Centinela and is also known in Spanish as Buen Centinela de Dios.   In his vuelta as a Guede he is known as Sangriñè.  Many Puerto Rican Sancistas call him el Gran SanSe. 

    Ezili Alaila 
     Nuestra Senora de Altagracia  - January 21:  Virgren de la Republica Dominicana.

    Gran Toro Sentado / Gran Torolisa / Gran Toro Lizan
     Jesus de la Buena Esperanza - Last Sunday of January:  Gran Torolisa is the Father of la Division Petro or Division Negra.  He is a fierce spirit, a Lwa of uncontrolable energies, animal instincts and urges.  He is a well known Sorcereer and can render any black magic impotent.  He is not a Lwa to be taken lightly, he is symbolized with Bulls and Bull's Horns and signifies strength, the power to conquer and the ability to push past obstacles to achieve success and the ability to get things done and the fight for freedom and independence.

    Ana Manbro Piel 
     Maria Rosa Mistica January 30: A vuelta of Anaisa Pye.

    Brighuede / Brigueda / Brigede / Guedesa  Santa Briged de Irelanda - Febuary 1:

    Brighuede is an ancient Guedesa and  older Sister to Brigueda  / Gran Mai Brigette "Santa Brigitta de Sucia".  Many confuse these two Misterios as one in the same, or difrent vueltas of the same Lwa, but they are difrent Misterios.
    Candelina de Sedife / Candelita / Candelina 
    Senora de la Candelaria / Maria Candelaria - Febuary 2:  Partner of Candelo Cedife, some say wife, and mother to Candelito.  Some say each one Candelina, Candelita and Maria Candelaria are three difrent Loa or three vueltas of the same one. Maria Candelaria is the Sance Gypsi that walks closely with that Commision.

    Candelo Pelayo / Pela Yo - San Blas 
     Febuary 3:  A very popular vuelta of Candelo Cedife within Puerto Rican Sanse and guardian of hot tempered children. 

    Santa Agueda de Catania - February 5: The Gede are a huge Division within Sanse and 21 Division and very few have a Saintly syncrenition, but the few that do are those Ghede who are on their way in becoming Loases although they are Loa.   Guedesa is one of them and other vueltas include Gedilia, Gediliah, Guedalia, Guedaliah, Guedelia, Guedellha, Guedalla, Guedilia, Guediliah, Gedalla, Guadella, Guedalha, or other variations of the name.  In Misas and Fiestas she is represented by el Pan Espiritual which has healing properties which is blessed by the dead. 

    Gede Zaina 
     San Caralampio - Febuary 10: One of the ancient Gede of many Gede, Ghede Zaina was one of the first souls who came down from the heavens on a thread and took life in human form.

    Obatala Bel Linde / Batala Be Linde -
    Our Lady of Lourdes: Febuary 11:  Nago Misterio of purity, cleanliness and patron of albinos.

     Santa Eulalia - Febuary 14 

    Piel Básica / Juan "Jan" Bakéo / Papa Pye Legba Pierre 
     Saint Peter - Febuary 22 / June 29:  This Misterio is known by many names, in many difrent traditions, he is a great messenger, and locksmith.  He holds the keys to the world of the Spirits and the Misterios and there exsist no door or pathway he can not cross.  

    Gran Siligbo / Mama Sili Gbo 
     Saint Photine Samaritana /  St Photini The Samaritan Woman  February 26 / March 20: Female aspect of Gran Soley, sister of Belie Belcan, she is of the cleansing flames of the sun, and she is the Misterio who purifies through water and fire, and bestows healing and magical power through herbal baths.  She is symbolized by fresh clean water, wells and the the rays of the Sun.  

    Luis Guede 
    San Luis Gonzaga - March 9:

    San Patricio - 17 of March:  Well respected and ancient Loa in Haitian Vodou and 21 Division.

    Ogun Guerrero 
    Saint Joseph the Worker - March 19:  Ogun Guerrero is a great warrior, and governs over labor and hard work.  He is the great blacksmith of the Loases.  

    Gran Alouba / La Vieja Lubba
    Santa Catalina De Siena - March 25 / April 1:  The Misterio of the suffering wife, she governs and protects against domestic abuse and violence, especially to her servitors.  She is the Loa of the broken woman, who can survive or fall pray as a victim.  

    Gran Cali 
     Saint Gabriel - March 24 / September 29:  Brother of Belie Belcan, messenger of Papa Buen Dios.

    Candelo Agadùn 
     Justo Juez - Good Friday before Easter Sunday April:

    Gran Baron del Cementrio San Elija del Monte Carmelo - 17 of April / 20 of July: Gran Baron del Cementerio is the leader of the Guede Division, he is the eldest of them and leader amongst all Baron who are represented as the oldest male grave within any given Cemetery.  He is one of the most widely respected Misterio and with Baron de la Cruz and Baron Sabalo make up a mighty trilogy.
    Ghuede Nimbo La Croix / Papa Guede Limbo / Baron de la Cruz 
     San Expedito -  April 19:  He is the Baron which is represented by the Highest tomb or eldest tomb with a Cross.

    Gran Bwana Pye Santa Inez del Monte Perdido - April 20:   Sister to Gran Bua, and symbolized poisounous herbs, roots and weeds.  She is a great herbalist who lives alone in swamp lands, and also symbolizes the beauty in those things that are faboting.  She is a care taker of wild animals.
    Legba Coehn 
     Niño Cautivo / Nino de Cebu - April 21:

    Ogun Ferayo / Ferraille Adogan Piel 
    Saint Marcos Evangalist - April 23 / April 25 : He is the Lord of battle and the Loa of logic, reason and wisdom.

    Ogun Baldagri / Ogun Badagri San Jorge - April 23:  Third in line of the Ogunes and brother to Ogun Balendjo.  Ogun Badagris is the lord of the blade, in command of all weapons, armory and warefare.  After Badagris comes Ogun Palama, Ogun Batala, Ogun Ge Rouge, Ogun Galloneh, Ogou Fonain, Ogun Candelo, Ogun Wenceslao, Ogou Criminel, and Ogun Onsù to name a few.  Each are warriors and protectors of humanity from occult enemies and demons, and each governs over a weapon or metal tool of choice.  Some are warriors, others are healers, defenders of justice, and others harvest the land with their Iron tools of the trade.  

    Papa Pie Anciano  / Ogun Ferayo / Jan Ferro
    Saint Marcos Evangelist - April 23 / April 25: Papa Pie is the venerable elder loa of languages and communication, and governs over the communication between the Loases and between humans, he is the Loa that signs the peace treaty or signs the documents of war.
    Candelia Llegua  
    Nuestra Señora de los Desanparados - April  27:

    Legba Tibon 
    Niño Pa - April 30:

    Atacua Balenyo
     San Florian - May 4:  One of Ogun Balenjo's youngest sons, he works within the fire division and his padrino is Papa Candelo, and is invoked to render weak, black magic that uses the flames of fire, since he is the Lord of flames. 

    Legba Lado 
    Niño de Praga - 3rd Sunday of May:

    Ogun Feregai  
     Saint Pancracio - May 12:

    Mama Metresa Marassa
    Our Lady of Fatima - May 14

    Ogou Oca / Saca De Pye 
    San Isidore the Laborer - May 15:  Saca De Pye is the worker of the land, the farmer, the Loa of the Harvest and agriculture.  He is also known as el Santo Jibaro.

    Gunguna Balenyo 
    Gunguna Gulyone Gunguna Guitienné / Gunguna Guilloné 
    Saint Hellen - September 14  / May 21:  Gunguna is Gunguna Guitienné (Guilloné).  Gunguna is the great sorceress and is a Loa of water, and walks with the Guede spirits.  She is the mother of the first Hougan.  She is symbolized by Iron nails, those nails used to build homes,coffins and the larger ones used in railroad tracks.  Nails symbolize from life comes movement, which follows death, and then rebirth.

    Guedelina  / Rita Mambo / Mamita Mambo
     Santa Rita - May 22:

    San Sereni del Monte / Sarai / Sara la Kali 
     Santa Sara = May 24 - August 19:  Misterio very popular in Puerto Rican Sanse and Espiritismo Criolla, she is Loa of Gypsies, bagabonds, wanderers, and outcasts and she works with her sisters Maria la Magdalena, Maria Jacobi and Maria Salomé.  The latter three are vueltas of las tres Marias in some Sociedades. 

    Anaisa La Chiquita 
     Jean Dearc - May 30:  In Puerto Rican Sanse Anaisa Chiquita is a spirit of feminine power and beauty. 


    Ague Taroyo / Fieber Taroyo / Agallu Tarollo 
     Saint Ulrich / San Norbert =  June 6: Ague Taroyo is the Lwa of the depths of the ocean floor, the abyss and the unknown mysteries of the sea.  He is also known as Fieber Taroyo, which is the volcanic lava that creates islands and destroys civilisations.  and is symbolized as the fever of the earth.  He can be a violent and unpredictable Loa, and should be greatly respected.   He is seen as a mulatto of green eyes.   

    Papa Chimbi / Pai Simbi / Ochu del Mar / Ochu Mar
      Saint Bartholomew - June 11 - August 24: Ancient Loa of tranaformation, son of Gran Dambala and Ayida Wedo.  He is a great sorcerrer, a water spirit and a part of the Simbi Nation.  He is known world wide as the Rainbow Serpent, and has manifested himself materially as the Staff of Moses. 

    Gran Bohique 
     San Onifre - June 12:  Gran Bohique del Monte is a Misterio that resides in the woods, and is a part of the Agua Dulce Division and Gran Bwa Nation, he resides in the woods and desert.   He is a great solitary  Bohique "Shaman Brujo' and the collective souls of the Great Cacique warriors and hunters who resides within the woods and caves. 

    Papa Legba
     San Antonio de Padua - June 13:  Not the eldest but one of the strongest of the Legba / Legua / Lebane Division.  Papa Legba is a great messenger and opener of doors to opportunities.  He holds the keys to the material and spiritual plane and must be called on first. Other vueltas include Leba Manose, Legba Macute, and Legba Gramisi.
    Piti Emanuel 
     San Manuel Bueno, Mártir  June 17:

    Juan Prieto / Pai de Agua / Tiyan Danto 
     Saint John the Baptist - June 24:  Juan Petro or Juan Prieto along with Juan del Fuego form a part of the Division of the Yanes or as it is called in Puerto Rico and Venezuela as los Juanes, some are puro Misterios, while others are Comisiones on their way of becoming Misterios.  Some are also Centinela and some are Magos.  Within this group pertain the Misterios of Haitian Vodou and Dominican 21 Division known as Yan Petró, Yan Fegó de Gonaíve, Yan Bakeo Similo Pie, and Yan Kriminel, who is also known as Kriminel.

    Metres Mambo Esili Freda Daome
     Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Succour = June 27:  Ezili Freda for short is the sister Loa of Erzulie Dantor, Freda is the Loa of Love and Passion.  While Dantor is a fierce warrior Freda is a coquetish Loa who loves her servitors and enjoys the company of men.  She is the Loa of the heart, perfumes and tradifionally enjoys Locion Pompeya, which is always kept with her servicios.  

    Legba Isasan 
    San Pedro - June 29:

    Ogun Sarabanda / Congo
     Saint Peter the Carpinter - June 29: 

    Juan "Jan" Bakéo  Saint Peter the Fisherman - Febuary 22 / June 29.: 


    Olicha Baji / Olisa Balli 
    San  Enrique el Emperador  - July 13: Olisa is the Misterio of the altars and shrines, he is the great inspector who inspects altars shrines and dreams.  He inspects all offerings and shrines and lets us know if they are aceptible or unaceptible to the Loases whom the shrine is constructed for.  He is a great Houngan who gave apon humans the wisdom of using herbs in preparing healing aromatic baths.

    Guede Bravo 
    San Camilo - July 14:  Guede Bravo is the Holy Gede who is responsible for being near the beds of those that are making the transition from life to death.  He is a great Doctor and healer and he has the abilities to tell when a Spirit will pass or stay on earth.  His devotees are also gifted with this gift as they to can tell when a sick person will die or not.  Some Sociedades view or sincrenize Guede Bravo with Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez or el Indio Bravo.

    Ezili Dantor 
     July 16 / August 15:

    Maitresse Gongote Selayo 
     Santa Rosalia - July 15: Sister of Baron del Sabado, she is the Godmother of Guedesito alongside with Prim Gede.  

    La Barona Mama Buyita 
     Virgen del Carmen / Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo - July 16:  Mama Buyita is the wife of Gran Baron del Cementerio and mother to the Guede Division she is the Loa who speaks in a high piched voice.  

    Baron del Cementerio 
     San Elija del Monte Caramelo - 20 of July / 17 of April:

    Guedé Lhea 
     San Alejo - July 17:

    Olisa Maisia Moquea 
    Mary Magdeline - July 22: Loa of clairvoyance, psychic sense, intuition, divination and divine knowledge, wife of Fa.  Fa mysteries are not worked within Sance or 21 Division, but he as all Loa is greatly respected.

    Gran Mai Brigette / Brigueda  
     Santa Brigida de Suecia - July 23. 

    Papa Loko
     San Joaquin - July 25:  Great Loa brother of Papa Boko, who leads spirits into the head.

    Papa Boko 
     San Deshacedor - July 25: Powerful Misterio who is a great Magician and Sorcerer.  He combats black magic, defeats occult enemies, and the evil eye.  He also governs over the dark arts.

    Guede Bravo 
     San Camilo July 25:

    Ogun Balendjo 
    San Santiago Apostal - July 25:  Ogun Balendjo is the Lord of lightning and storms, he is austere and a very dignified Mistsrio. He is a distinguished soldier, and brave warrior.  He is always with his trusted Caballo Blanco which he mounts to do battle with those demons that plague humanity.  He protects with his sword and shield and does battle with those who commit wickedness.  He specializes in diplomatic, social and family affairs and is a master in the battle field.  He is the eldest son of Ogou and leads the division of the Ogounes alongside his brothers Ogou Badagri, Ogun Fegai, Ogun Panama, Ogun Onsu, Ogun Negue, Ogun Batala, And Ogun Fonai to name a few.  Although Ogun Balendjo is a fierce warrior, he is also the great healer, the great doctor who heals those who suffer within the battle field.  As he can take life with Iron, steel and metal, so can he heal with it.  

    Gran Bwa / Gutapie Anfinido 
    Saint Jude - July 25:  Gran Bwa is the Misterio of the forrest and woodlands.  He is a hermit, and an herbalist and knows all the mysteries to the healing and poisousnous properties of herbs.  He is a guardian of wild life, and belongs to the Bwa Division, his closest kin folk is Gran Bois or Gran Bosque. He is also known as Gran Bwa Megui and is a great Curandero, and governs alongaside Gran Bosque, Gran Bwa Ileo and Gran Bwa de la Montaña.  Together they protect Gran Bwana Pye a female Loa who governs over wild herbs. 

    Ogun Nagua 
     Saint Mercurius - July 25:

    Guedé Alawe / Gran Bwa Ile / Rio Tempestuoso / Arroyo 
     San Cristopher - July 25:

    La Metresa Mama Mambo / Maitresse Mambo, 
     Saint Anne - July 26:  Metresa Mama Mambo is the mother of Anaisa Pye, the loa of Passion and feminine power.  She is always depicted with her daughter Anaisa whom she teaches all her mysteries of suduction and conquering the hearts of men as well as magic, she is a queen and a great sorceress. 

    Anaisa Pierre / Anaisa Pyé 
     Young Mary with Saint Anna - July 26:  Anaisa Pye is one of the most loved Misterios within Sanse and the 21 Division.  She is a coquestish Misterio and enjoys jewelry, perfumes, and make up.  She is the Misterio of Feminin Power, Love, Passion., and dancing.  She enjoys expensive liquors and fine tobacco and is a healer of women and viginal problems, other Vueltas include, AnaIsa Saoco, AnaIsa Limina, and AnaIsa de las Siete Vueltas. 

    Esili Freda 
     Lady of Perpetual Help July 27:

    Sentinela Gran Boa 
     San Pantaleon -  July 27:

    Ezili Kénwa 
     Saint Martha - July 29:  Ezili Kenwa is the Witch of the swamp lands, the woman of the dark forrests.  She often works magic with her sister Filomena Lubana.  

    Filomena Lubana 
     Saint Martha the Dominadora - July 29:  The Misterio of Domination, dominating obsticles, fears and even the 5 senses of humanity. 

    Madam Chimby / Mama Chimbi  Saint Martha the Dominadora

    July 29:  She who holds the Ghede Simbi Loa, Siguelia and Sigueloa

    Mambo Lemiye - Abuela Buku 
    August 1 / September 17: Ancient mother of night and day, good and evil, light and darkness, water and fire, she is an ancient Lwa and mother to the Nago Nation and adoptive mother to all Nations.  

    Las Tres Marasa 
     Las Tres Marias - August 1: Fe, Esperanza y Caridad.

    Mambo Yelefe 
     Señora de la Nieve  - August 5:

    Erzulie la Valiente / Metres Guedesa Mazaca
     Virgen Negra de las Nieves - Auguest 5:

    Legba Manose 
    San Cayetano el Mellizo /   Anima Sola - November 2 / August 7:  He is known as El Gran Mellizo, the twin brother of Papa Legba, and of all the Legba he is the greatest of charlatanes.

    Klemezin Klemey / La Señorita Metresa Clarabel 
     Saint Claire - August 11:  La Señorita Klemezin brings clarity, light, clearness, good vision, she clears obstacles and blesses with clairvoyance, insight, and aids us in seeing and recognizing those things that are dark, and evil.  She blesses all with the sixth sense.  She is the light that guides us through the dark periods of our life, and fills our heart with faith and hope.  She helps us in combating black magic and blesses us with the mercy and energy of Papa Dios. 

    Filomèz / Madam Filo / Filomena
    Saint Philomena - August 11:  The maiden loa of happimess and inocense, she is symbolized by the wild flowers that grow in the medows, and the broom which she uses to clean the home of negativities and dirt.  She does not tolerate liquor or tobacco, but rather those things that smell good and clean.  She is the Loa of the kept home and does not tolerate dirt or messy surroundings.  She governs over flowers and sweet smelling herbs, sweet oils, aromatic resins, flower, herb gardens,  perfumes and cleanliness.  Filomena is a beautiful maiden, adorned with garlands of roses, vaporous fabrics, loves gardens and delicate fragrances.
    Ezili Dantor -
     16 of July and 15 of August:  The Petrosa Spirit par excellence, she is one of the most widly known, most loved, highly venerated and most saught of, of the Erzulie Nation.  She is a Petro Spirit that also pertains to the Metresa Division in which she rules along side her sisters, such as Ezili Ge Rouge, Sili Ye Ush, Petro Sili, Sili Criminel, Ersili de la Torcha, Sili Boutpied, Sili Kenwa, Sili Kita and Sili Mapyang as well as other Esilis mentioned here.  

    Papa Sobo 
    San Roque - August 16:  Papa Sobo is the Great Healer, and twin brother of Papa Viejo Lebga Carrifou.  While Papa Viejo brings illnesses when one is recklace or careless, Gran Sobo is the healer, the medicine the great Santiguador.

    Rosita Legba 
     Saint Rose of Lima -  August 23 / 30 -  Papa Legba's youngest sister, once bethrowed to Ogun Balendjo, and Alague she is the ever virgin maiden, and is symbolizes by the Red Rose which is a flower to the Dead.  

    Polizón Fronté /  Polison La Fronte / Gran Bwa Megui
     Saint Bartholomew the Apostle - August 24:

    Dan Wedo / Ogou Dan Hueso Weso 
     King Louis IX of France - August 25:  Dan Wedo / Dan Gueso / Dan Weso is the son of Dambalah and pertaining to the Ogoun Nation.  He is a mystery of changes, purification and of shedding ones skin and becoming another.  He is a great Warrior Loa.  

    Candelo Farai 
    San Benito de Palermo - August 28:

    Prin Guede  
     San Benito de Palermo / San Ramon- August 28:

    Candelo Fronteh 
     Saint Moses the Black / Saint Blas - August 28:

    Agassu Milwa 
    San Agustin - August 28:

    Rosita Legba 
    Santa Rosa de Lima - August 30:  Rosita Legba is the Loa Misterio of the Rose.  Her symbol is the Roses in the garden, and which one offers to both the Dead, the Saints and the Misterios.  Rosita Legba is the Loa of heart break, spinsters and bachlorettes and watches over all those women who suffer in love.  She is the youngest sister of Papa Legba, her colors are Rose, Pink and Brown.

    Papa Marasa Twa
    Saint Raymond Nonnatus - Augest 31

    Maitresse Gongote Selay
     Santa Rosalia September - 4 /July 15:

    La Sirena 
     Estrella Maris - September 7:

    Yemalla Del Norte   
     Virgen de Regla + September 7:

    Yemalla Del Sur 
     Estrella Maris - September 7:

    Cachita Tumbo 
    Our Lady of Charity -  Sept 8: MI QUERIDA MADRE

    Gunguna Balenyo 
    Santa Elena - September 14  / May 21:

    Madre Sili / Metresili  
    Lady of Sorrows /Mater  Dolorosa - September 15:

    Guedé Sanguiñao / Sanguiñé 
    San Cipriano - September 16:   Great Magjcian Loa who fathered Siguelia and Sigueloa.

    Mambo Lemiye - Abuela Buku -
    September 17: Ancient Loa Misterio, Mother of aposing forces, night and day, good and evil.

    Mambo Laselle -
     la Virgen de la Salette - September 19:

    Centinela Sabalo 
     San Eustaquio de Roma - September 20:

    Ofelia Balendjo 
    Our Lady of Mercy -  September 24: 

    La Merce, Ofelia Balendjo, also spelled Ofelia Balenyo is the the sister of Ogun Balendjo in Santeria she is the female aspect of Obatala. She is an Ogun Spirit belonging also to La Metresa Division. She protects against justice and court matters and her.cloak covers her children with divine Sanctuary.
    La Marassa
     Saint Damon and Saint Cosmos - September 26:  Protecter of twins, great healers and symbolize cosmic dualties.
    Ogou Palama / Ogun Panama
     San Wenceslao - September 28:

    Belie Belcan Tome / el Viejo Chiquito / Cojito  
     San Miguel Arcangel - September 29: Salve Belie Belcan a great Misterio most loved in Sance and Vudu.  Judge and Lawyer defender of evil. 

    Tindjo Alague 
    Saint Rafael - September 29:  Leader of the Agua Dulce Division.

    Gran Cali 
    Saint Gabriel - March 24 / September 29:

    Agome Tonèr / Guedé Dionisio /  Guedé Alawe 
     San Jeronimo  - September 30:

    Ti Pierre Dantor 
     Santa Teresita de Lisieux - October 1:  Younger sister of Anaisa Pie / Pierre

    Gran Bosque / Osanje / Gran Selva 
     Saint Francisco of Asisi of the Cross - October 4:  The Yerbero Mayor, the great herbalist, the one who holds all the wisdom and mystery to every healing herb.  He is known in Vodou as Gran Bois and is a part of the Gran Bwa Nation, and like his brothers he is not to trusting of humans. He is also a great protecter of wild life and wild animals.

    Oggun / Gran Ogou Negro
     San Mauricio - October 5 / December 27:  Gran Oggun is the eldest of the Ogun Division father of Ogun Balendjo, Ogun Badagris, and all the other Ogun.  Some say father others say older brother of Belie Belcan.  He is a Rada Spirit, a Puro Misterio,a great and ancient warrior, and is the one who rules over all weapons, metals, and war.  Amongst the Ogun he holds the highest rank as General of the Celestial Army, which he shares his ranks with all his sons.  All the Ogun Nation fall under him, such titles that fall below him are General, Lieutenant General, Major General, Brigadier General, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and so on.  He is symbolized as the great laborer, the Misterio who works none stop in Buen Dios' celestial army. 

    Rosaura Candelaria / Rosario Candelia 
     Nuestra Señora del Rosario - October 7:

    Guedé Uhsu 
     San Luis Beltran - October 9:

    Feast Day of all Indios fourth Friday in September and  October 12:

    Indio Alague, Indio Carinoa, Pluma Blanca, Indio de la Paz, Cacique Sentado, Indio Aguila Roja, Indio Enriquillo, India Ciboney, India Jihoanya, Indio de la Paz, Indio de la Fuerza, Indio Poderoso, Indio de la Guerra, Indio Bravo, Indio Libertador, Indio Valiente
    Guedélia Legcua
     Santa Teresa de Jesus - October 15: Guedelia is the former wife of Ogun Balendyo before Ezili Freda.  She is the Metresa of the market place, graveyards and divine justice.  She is a.Misterio of change and the gates of graveyards are a symbol of her vigina which symbolize the transformation of life into death, then rebirth. 

    Baron de la Cruz / Baron del Sabalo
     Saint Gerard - October 16:  Vuelta of el Baron del Cementerio

    Legua / Leguas 
     San Hilarion - October 21: The Legua division is named after this Misterio, and both San Hilarion and Legua are important within Sanse, Vodou, 21 Division and other traditions, they lead the Spirits of the Comisiones and other Misterios to the Misas and Fiestas and open the doors.  As all Leguas do in their league "division" they are often Spirits of the roads and messengers. 

    Ghuede Gran Bwa 
     Saint Jude - October 28:

    Dia de los muertos / Dia de Ghuedes  November 2. Many Guede are on the list they are governed by Baron del Cementerio and some Ghuede include, Guede Nibo, Guedeh Mazaca, el Señor Don Gede,, Ruperto Guedde, Roberto Gedeh, Dionisio Gwedeh, Vicente Gedeh, Guedde Bi, Guede Lia, Guede Imbo, Guede Infum, Aracne Guedde, Gede Zaina, Ursula Guedde, and Gedelia de La Cruz, Gedeh Siete Encrusadas, Gwedeh Siete Sombras, Gwedeh Siete Capas,  Gede Calavera, Guede de la Boveda, and Gedeh Catatumba to name just a few of the infinite Guedes. 
     Bendita Anima Sola - November 2: Feribunda is the keeper and overseer of cemeteries, burial grounds and graveyards.  Feribunda is viewed as the sacred four corners that surrounds the realm of the dead and is guardian of the four Centinela del Cementerio, Boco Tebú Tecacho, Abúm, A Lembó and Cacique, Rey de la "Encabezá.  Feribunda is the central point. 

    Mambo Marinette 
     Las Bendita Anima Sola - November 2:  If we talk about the Petro Spirits we can not forget this Spirit of Fire.  She is a fierce Lwa, and not one to be taken lightly.  Although she is a Metresa she is unlike the others, because she deals with pure pain and suffering and is not one to be played with because she will burn, conquer and destroy.  Marinette was born of the suffering of the slaughter of the African and Taino people and she is of raw chaotic emotions.  She is the shackles and the chain, the whip and the rope, she is of fire and of water, of pure suffering and pain.  She is a true witch of fire whom she rules with her sisters Marinette Bembele and Marinette Shampwel.  In Cuban Santeria she manifests as Antonia Gerbasio, and in Puerto Rico she is Amalia Eboso.  She is la Llorona, la Gritona in Central and South America.  She is not worked with but a Spirit that should be respected.  Others include Marinette Bois Cherche, Mari Anette Coeur Noir, Maria Antonia Sangran or Maria Sangrona and Maria Celestina Abdenago
    Candelo del Monte / Candelo de la Escoba 
     Saint Martin de Porres - November 3: 

    Candelo Borro Meh 
    Saint Charles Borromeo - November 4:  The Great healer who manifests within humans with fevers, sweet, and endurance. 

    Papa Candelo  Papa Candelo -  November 4:  Candelo is symbolized by Fire and leader of la Divison del Fuego, raw energy, animal instincts, pleasures and dance.  He is the Spirit of male sexual instincts and  enjoys tobacco, fire water such as Rum and Aguardiente.  He is the Spirit of Dance.  Papa Candelo has many vueltas or caminos, some are Candelo Monta Escoba, Pa Candelo, Señor Monsieur Candelo, Candelo Anton , Candelo Malayo, Filemon Candelo, Candelo Sedife, Candelito, Oliborio Candelo, Candelo 7 Espinas, Candelo Fellago, Candelo Funeral and Capitan Petro Candelo.
    Candelo Cedife 
     Saint Charles Borromeo - November 4:  Candelo of the Fire Tourch.  Of sexual raw energy. 

    Mama Tete / Mama Cepona / Mama Tetona / Madre de Agua / Atabeira
     Divina Providencia - November 9:  Patron Saint and Guardian of the Sanse tradition, and Puerto Rico she is a Petro Loa and part of the Agua Dulce Division known as Cemi or Zemi.  

    Gran Ogun Batala 
    San Martin Caballero - November 11:  The Ogoun of the Peace Treaty.

    Guedé Martyin 
    San Martin de Porres - November 11 

    Bakúlu Baká 
     Saint Philip - November 14:  Bakùlu Baka is the Loa of the dead of the forest and woods, he is not a Loa one treds lightly with, but must be greatly respected, all Spirits of the forests who died a tragic death are under his watch.

    Mambo Sesil 
     Santa  Cecilia = November 22:

    Guede Lacua 
     Juan de la Cruz - Vuelta to Baron de la Cruz. November 24 / December 14:

    Amalia Belcan / Amalia Dominga Sole
    La Milegrosa - November 27:  Amalia Belcan, is the Queen Mother of the Belcan Nation, in her arms she holds Piti Belcan / Chiquito Belier.

     La Milegrosa - November 27:

    Maitre Carrefour / Maestro de la Encrucijada  
    San Andrés Apóstol - November 30 -  Petro aspect of Papa Pie Viejo and Papa Legba and Guede Lacua.  He is the one in the crossroads who walks the night with demons and tourmented souls.   He is the Petro Loa who has the power to open and close the veils to those spirits who are trapped in the material plane. 

    Nago Ogu Chango 
     Santa Barbara Africana / Chango Macho - December 4:  This is the Chango Macho king that is widely venerated in many traditions, he is the Misterio of Thunder and Lightning. He is also sincrenized with Saint Michael of the Spear.  He is of the Ogun Nation which are a very masculine Nation but often does not get along with his brothers because of his flirtatious, careless, carefree,androgynous, festive and womanizing ways. 
    Sili Danto / Ezili Danthó Pye 
    Mater Salvatoris - December 4:

    Candela Centella 
     Saint Barbara - December 4:  She is the Loa who is the closest in associatiom to the Orisha Oya Iyansa.

    Gran Soler /  Solier
    San Nicolas del Sol / Gran Poder de Dios - December 6:  Leader of the Soley Division, closests Mistery to Papa Buen Dios.

    Papa Marasa 
     San Nicolas de Bari / San Nicolas del Sol - December 6:  Head of the Niño and Marasa Division, protector of Children. 

    Miniquita Bercan / Consepcion 
    The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 8:

    Candelo Siete Espina 
     Jesus Negro  - December 8:

    Mama Gizan / Mama Yimo Gamba Ayima 
    Santa Lucia - December 13:

    Papa Pie Viejo / Legba Carifu / Pata en Llaga / Pie Casse 
    San Lazaro - December 17:  The eldest in the Legua division, he is the Mistery that governs over illnesses and diseases.  Like his brother Sobo, he is also a great healer. 
    Piti Solier / Piti Soler / Chiqui Soli 
    Niño Dios - December 25:  a younger vuelta of Gran Solier.

    Legba Grasimo 
    Niño de las Suertes - December 25:

    Piti Legba 
     Divino Nino - December 25:  The trickster child spirit.

    Luis Guendesito 
    Nino de Atocha - December 25:

    Niño Divino - December 25: 

    Visit this page frequently as I will update it frequently with new entries or explenation of those Misterio Loa I did not fully explain.